Page 37 of All Her Feelings

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She didn’t know who moved first, just that they met in a fierce embrace. Synora’s mouth covered Holly’s, kissing and licking into it until Holly clung to her, knees weak as Synora consumed her senses.

Holly’s hands came up, clutching at Synora’s shoulders, clenching and flattening to smooth over them in an erratic rhythm. Synora pulled back slightly, allowing Holly to take gasping breaths as she traced her lips over Holly’s jaw, down her neck, and back up to her lips. This time the kiss was softer but no less consuming, and Holly let her hands drop to Synora’s hips, tugging her closer and fanning the heat between their two bodies.

Synora guided her backward, her lips leaving Holly’s and tracing along her jawline. When she sucked Holly’s earlobe into her mouth and bit gently, Holly’s knees crumbled. Synora lifted her slightly, setting her down on the desk behind them. Papers crinkled as Holly leaned backward.

Synora pulled back slightly, her fingers dancing along the hem of Holly’s shirt, a question in her eyes. Holly’s breath hitched, but she nodded. Synora pulled the shirt up and over Holly’s head, unhooking Holly’s bra as she did so with a deftness that had a pang of jealousy shooting through Holly for a moment. That was soon chased away by the heat in Synora’s eyes.

Holly suddenly felt shy. “Yours too,” she said as she tugged at Synora’s shirt, not wanting to be the only one half-naked.

Synora took a half step back and yanked her own shirt over her head. She reached behind her and unhooked her bra as well. Synora’s breasts were smaller than Holly’s, her nipples a dusky pink. Holly’s were much larger and pinker by comparison, and she had the sudden urge to cover her chest.

Synora stepped closer and cupped her face, lowering her lips to Holly’s and chasing all her thoughts away. She sank into the kiss, and their chests brushed together. The sensation had Holly gasping into Synora’s mouth as her stomach tightened. Synora’s hand went to her hips, and she pulled Holly closer until Holly wrapped her legs around Synora’s hips, papers falling to the floor.

Synora clasped one of Holly’s hands in hers and brought it between their bodies, letting the back of her hand brush Holly’s nipples as they pebbled at the light touch. Synora brought her hand to her own chest, and Holly’s fingers trailed over Synora’s breasts. Emboldened by the movement, Holly lifted her other hand up without Synora’s guidance and began exploring on her own. Synora let go of her other hand to dedicate her attention to Holly’s breasts. She rolled Holly’s nipple in her fingers, and Holly squirmed at the slight bit of pain that flashed down to her core. She tried the same movement to Synora. “Harder,” Synora whispered in her ear. Holly rolled her nipple harder, and Synora let out a soft moan.

They teased each other for a few moments, learning each other’s bodies and what made them gasp or moan. Synora’s hands dipped lower, crossing over Holly’s stomach. Holly shivered but didn’t protest, even when Synora’s fingers dipped below the hem of her pants, tracing from one hip bone to the other.

Holly leaned back on the desk, lifting her hips up and allowing Synora to tug her pants down. When Holly reached for Synora’s pants as well, Synora caught her hands and pressed gentle kisses to her fingers. “Not yet. Let me explore you.”

Her core clenched at Synora’s words, but she drew her hands back as Synora knelt before the desk. Her hands flew back to support herself when Synora licked up her center, finding her clit and circling it with a harsh lave of her tongue. “Synora,” Holly gasped out, almost rocketing up from the desk.

“Is this okay?” Synora lifted her head to ask, her lips glistening. Words wouldn’t come at the sight, so Holly nodded. She might actually explode if Synora didn’t continue.

Synora lowered her head again, sliding her hands under Holly’s legs and clamping them down so Holly couldn’t move. Instead of feeling trapped, Holly got wetter at the movement and could only lay there as Synora’s skilled tongue brought her closer and closer to a release.

Synora focused on her clit, circling it with quick, hard movements that had Holly letting out a keening cry. She gripped Synora’s hair as she fell over the edge, stars flashing before her eyes as her body shook.

Synora rose up from her kneeling position, pressing wet kisses up Holly’s body until she arrived at her mouth and kissed her deeply. One of Holly’s hands came up to cup the back of Synora’s head as she deepened the kiss, tasting herself on Synora’s tongue. Long blond strands fell from Synora’s now messy braid, and Holly combed the strands back from her face.

Fingers danced over her stomach as Synora pulled back. Holly let out a moan as two long fingers stroked through her wet folds. Synora smiled smugly down at her as her fingers teased Holly’s entrance, letting out a short laugh when Holly whimpered.

“Don’t tease. Please.” Holly gasped as Synora moved her fingers up to circle her clit but not touch it.

“But you beg so prettily,” Synora crooned, sliding her fingers on either side of Holly’s clit but never touching it.

Holly opened her mouth to beg some more, but Synora slid both fingers inside of her, twisting them as she did so. Holly moaned as her body felt like it was on fire, still sensitive from her last orgasm.

A series of mewling cries fell from her lips as Synora twisted her wrist to rake over Holly’s g-spot over and over again, sending Holly spiraling higher and higher. Her thumb pressed over Holly’s clit, and she shattered for a second time, her vision almost blacking out with the intensity of her orgasm.

When Holly came back into her body, Synora was holding her on the dusty couch, still naked from the waist up, warm skin pressing against Holly. Her hands ran soothingly up and down Holly’s arms, and Holly let her nose press against her neck for a few moments longer. “Give me a second and I’ll return the favor.”

Synora shook her head. “Not this time. I know everything’s been fast, with outside circumstances not giving us the time we want, but we are still in the courting phase of this mating. At least, I am. Remember? I’ve had lots of time to think about how I want to court you,” Synora said, referencing her words at the Fae lands.

Her reassurance made Holly relax back into her chest, and something inside her eased. Synora was right; they had all the time in the world. Sure, they were trying to find the missing prisoners and right-hand person, but that didn’t mean their mating had to progress with the same urgency. They were building something here, and it was small now, but it was growing. Holly didn’t realize how much pressure that was until her stomach eased and she felt lighter.

“Well, consider this particular method of courtship an A-plus.” Holly smiled, and Synora laughed with her. Holly wasn’t used to being the receiver in her physical relationships. It was harder to control her Empath magic during those times, but with Synora, it had been oddly calm and settled in her magic’s center.

Next to them, the desk looked even messier than when they had started, with papers strewn about the floor and the imprint of Holly’s body clearly visible on the desk’s surface. Holly blushed. “We made a bit of a mess.”

Synora laughed. “We did. Worth it, though. I suppose we should get back to searching.”

Even though she said that, neither woman made a move to get up for another few moments, enjoying the time together. The air felt a little less stale, almost as if the tree was happier as well.

Finally, with a small groan, Holly swung her legs to the ground and stood up. Feeling a bit awkward in her nakedness, she walked over to the desk to grab her clothes. A set of papers had landed on her pants, and Holly reached for them to move them when the words caught her eye.

“Synora? I think I found it.” Her words had Synora tugging her own shirt down faster before kneeling next to her.

Holly handed her half of the papers, and she scanned over the ones in her hands. This was Synora’s mother’s research on feralness in shifters. At a brief glance, the papers were outlined by causes, symptoms, and finally, treatments.
