Page 56 of That Touch

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I run my palm over his scratchy beard. “Dean had such a hard life, and we gave him the love he never got from his family. Even though he had such a short time on this planet, I’m so glad we got to share space and time with him.”

Ranger pulls me up to my feet. “Tell me everything about our baby. Who else knows?”

“Just you and me.” I smile. “I’m only 15 weeks along, so I wasn’t ready to share it with anyone else yet. Truthfully, I hadn’t planned out how that would go down with your family. I think I was holding out hope that you’d change your mind.”

“I’m so sorry,” he says again, resting his forehead against mine, “that you ever doubted I wouldn’t want this with you—that I wouldn’t want our baby. I can’t wait to go to the appointments with you, to tell our family, to plan the nursery.”

“Take me to bed?” I ask. “We can lie in each other’s arms and talk?”

Without another word, he walks down the hallway to my bedroom, where we crawl beneath the sheets in each other’s arms.

“What about Texas?” I ask, my nose practically touching his.

“You don’t have to worry about Texas, baby.” He runs his hand over my hair, leaning in to plant a peck on the tip of my nose. “Decker’s been itching to get down there. I told my dad I was heading home for good—that my life and responsibilities were here—and he said okay. We’ll figure it out, but it’s nothing you need to focus on. So when do we find out the sex of the baby?” His hand drags down my body to my belly. He lifts my shirt, placing his palm flat against my warm skin.

“I think at the 20-week appointment. We can find out then if you want. They offered at the 12, but I wanted to wait.”

“Of course. I hope we have a little girl.”

“Really?” I’m surprised, since most men want a boy. “Not just because that’s what I wanted the first time I was pregnant? It’s okay if you want a boy.”

“Yeah. Trust me, having a girl first is the key to well-behaved boys. Milly kept Decker and me in line pretty well, and I know my parents appreciated her. So a girl first.”

“First, huh?” I smile. “Are we having more?”

“Absolutely. I’m thinking at least five. I plan to keep you knocked up for as long as I can.” His hand circles around my waist to my ass, where he grabs a handful, his lips finding my neck as I giggle. “I’ve missed this plump little ass.”

“You’ve got it all planned out, huh?”

He pulls back to look at me, a serious expression settling over his face. “I’ve wasted so many years already, I don’t plan on waiting another second. I’m so sorry that I hurt you and pushed you away. Can you forgive me?”


“I love you beyond words. Do you know that? Do you believe it?”

“I do.”

“Good.” He kisses me again, and this time it doesn’t stop. He deepens the kiss, his tongue finding mine and swirling around it as he pulls me tightly against his body. “Let me show you, baby. Let me worship you like I should have so many times before.”

We don’t need words to communicate our emotions in this moment. I tug at his shirt as he pulls mine over my head. Within a few minutes, we’ve stripped each other of our clothes. He pins my hands above my head as his tongue continues to explore my mouth. He drags his lips over my cheek to my neck, his free hand reaching down to tease me.

“Mmm,” I moan, my eyes fluttering closed. “I’ve missed you.”

“I feel like I’ve barely had any time with you.” He releases my hands, planting his own on the bed next to my head as he looks down at me. “Do you remember what I told you that day you were teasing me at Brooklyn’s house when you were moving your car?”

“You mean that you saw me as your little sister?” I laugh and he pinches my ass.

“Well, yes, that. I clearly only said it to try to end the sexual tension that was between us, but I’m not talking about that. Do you remember how I told you that you were a very disobedient woman who needed to be taught a lesson?”

Excitement coils in my belly as his eyes darken. He pulls his hand from where it’s resting on my ass and drags it up my body to my bare breasts. He cups one, leaning down to suck my nipple into his mouth.

“Yesss,” I hiss the word.

“Well, I think it’s about time you learned one of those lessons for not coming to my going-away party, don’t you think?”

“I don’t know.” I shrug as he pinches my other nipple, his large hand fully encompassing my breast. “Depends on what kind of lesson you had in mind.”

“One that will have you quivering.” He leans forward, dragging his tongue up my neck. “Begging for release, but maybe . . .” he nips my earlobe, my thighs instantly clenching together as his other hand toys with my nipple, “I won’t let you come.”
