Page 50 of Tormented Angel

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“Vanina slipped and fell when we were playing. She is okay, but she keeps asking for you.”

At her words, I immediately get up from my seat, and Xava enters the house. We both head down the stairwell until we’re on the main floor, and Xava turns to me. “She’s in the backyard with Nazyr now. He was consoling her, but she really was adamant about you coming.”

“Thank you so much,” I tell Xava and head toward the back of the house. I push open the back door, and as soon as I’m through it, I know what I was told is nothing more than an elaborate lie.

Along the walkway, there are candles on either side, and rose petals are scattered along the cobblestone path. At the end of the path near the fire pit area are my two precious little angels, both wearing beautiful pink dresses with a bunch of tulle. They look like little princesses. Behind them is Nazyr, standing in an all-black suit. It looks different from the ones he’s typically wearing, but I think I know why. Nazyr might be a romantic, but he isn’t the type of man who does romantic stuff like this on a whim.

I walk along the cobblestone path until I reach the three of them, and Vanina looks right up at me. “Momma, look! So pretty.” She plays with the skirt of her dress.

I smile down at her. “You’re right, baby girl. It’s beautiful.”

Nazyr takes in a deep breath, and his hand is shaking slightly. I pick up on it and look into his eyes. “I’m sorry if what Xava said frightened you, but I needed to get you down here fast.” The corner of his lips tug into a smirk.

“It’s okay.” I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to that. There are so many sensations going on in my body right now that I don’t know what to think. My stomach is twirling around in anxious knots.

“Mona, since you’ve come into my life, you’ve made me see the world in an entirely different way. I was a different man before you. A man I wasn’t completely proud of, if I’m being honest with myself. Being with you has made me grow up so much. I went from only worrying about myself to worrying about everyone around me. I became a father when we got together, and it’s something I wouldn’t trade for the whole world. You make my entire life brighter, and I can’t imagine doing this with anyone else. What I’m trying to say is…”

Nazyr pauses and gets down on one knee. He reaches a hand around his back and pulls a black box out. As he speaks, he opens it, and a bright white light shines on the most gorgeous ring I’ve ever seen. “I can’t do this without you. You’re my best friend, my lover, myMed. I want you for the rest of my days. I want you to be my wife. So, will you please do me the honor of being mine?”

I’m stuck in awe staring at the black and white diamond engagement ring. The stone in the middle is a huge classic white diamond, but the band has smaller black diamonds, with even smaller white diamonds as a border around it.

I nod over and over again. “Yes, of course. I… of course!”

Nazyr slides the ring on my ring finger, and I can’t stop staring at it. He rises and wraps his arms around me, and the girls begin to cheer. We might be making it official right now, but we’ve been a family from the start. He is everything I’ve ever imagined, plus more.

Nazyr is my happily ever after, and I’m so bloody glad I have him in my life.

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