Page 116 of Endless

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“Well,thefirsttestof the fall semester is out of the way,” I said, holding up my coffee drink to Sarah and Angelina. “Cheers.”

“Ace it?” Angelina asked.

“I think so. Studied enough for it.” I sure had enough time on my hands now that I was single.

I’d come to loathe that word. The ache in my chest hadn’t lifted at all, and Damon had broken up with me more than three months ago.

But I was plugging through. Anxiety tried to get the best of me a few times, but I kicked its ass. I wasn’t sure how, but I did. I was.

I am.

Of course, sleeping was another issue altogether. Between hot and steamy dreams about Damon and flashes of what’d happened with those gang members, yeah, sleeping was not my friend.

“Doug was asking about you again,” Angelina said.

Sarah perked up. “That boy’s got it bad for you, girl.”

“He’s sweet,” Angelina smiled.

“Hey, Lizzie,” a guy said, walking up to the table. “Wicked test, huh?”

“Yeah.” I pointed to my friends. “Trent. This is Angelina and Sarah.”

“What’s up?” He sipped his coffee. “Hey, Lizzie. Megan, Lucia, and I are heading to the movies tonight. Taking a night off studying. Wanna come?”

“I better no—”

“Sure. She’ll go,” Sarah said. “What time?”

I glared at her. I was totally going to say no.

Trent’s green eyes reminded me of the shallow spots of the ocean. And they sparkled right now, like the sun was shining down on them.

“Seven p.m. showing. NorthTown Terrace,” he said. “You know it?”

“Yeah,” Sarah said, “We’ll get her there.”

Trent winked and hustled away.

“Who. The. Hell. Is. That?” Sarah stared after him. “Holy hotness,Batman.”

“I can’t believe you did that,” I said. “But thanks.”

She grinned at me over her coffee.

“Seriously, whoisthat and why haven’t I heard about him?” Angelina asked.

“I barely know him. He’s in my psych class. Sits by me.”

“He’s got an ass you can bounce a quarter off. No wonder you weren’t into softy Doug,” Sarah said.


“Just sayin’. He doesn’t hold a candle to my Drey’s ass, but for you, he’ll do.”

I gulped down the nerves forming in my throat. A date. With someone other than Damon. Was I up for that?No.

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