Page 49 of Endless

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“Sportingthestick,huh?”Drey asked.

“Yeah. And if you say a word it’ll find your ass.”


“Thanks for the new phone.” I held it up as I adjusted the folded walking stick in my lap.

Leaning into the turn Drey was making, my stomach lurched. Still getting used to this whole driving in a car and not being able to see where we were going thing.

So not cool.

It’d been just over two weeks since I’d woken up in a conference room, surrounded by my own puke. Two weeks since Lizzie said I hadn’t permanently screwed everything up with us.

Her saying that was the one thing that kept me focused.

“So, what’s your plan?” Drey asked.

“For now, try and make it to Mom’s grave without falling on my ass, or my face.”

“Yeah, you’re sporting a nice shiner there. You fell in your room?”

“One of my assignments is to memorize my room. You know, corners, drawers, etc. And, well, my dresser decided to revolt and tripped me up.” Drey laughed, and I flipped him off. “That dude, Andrew, he’s awes. Annoyingly quiet while I’m working to figure things out, but it’s all good.”

“He’s one of the best mobility specialists. Says you’re doing great after only a couple weeks.”

“It’s weird having him live with me, though. You know?”

“Either that or a rehab hospital. Figured you wanted home.”

I hadn’t had a home in years, so yeah, it was cool. “What’s Lizzie’s story, then?”

“Sorry. That’s for her to tell.”

“We’ve been talking on the phone, and I’ve been trying this vocal texting thing, but she still won’t tell me what’s up. But maybe that’s okay.”

“What do you mean?”

“She needs someone less screwed up than me hanging around anyway.”

“Then get less screwed up.”

Drey might be able to tell me that, but really, even if I got the hang of this being blind crap, what use would I be to anyone? To Lizzie? And if she had as bad a story as I thought she did, then she needed someone strong. Able to take care of her.

“Okay, man, relax. One thing at a time, man. First, saying goodbye to Mom. You sure you’re ready for that?”

“Yes. Last thing I saw was her face-planting, then Walker, and then nothing.” I swallowed through the nerves building. “You think they’ll buy the not-remembering crap?”

“Probably not. But you’re letting everyone know that you’re not saying anything.”

“Walker got nailed by video camera, right?”

“They picked him up walking into the alley with a crow bar, but leaving without it. It linked him to a few more charges and someone ratted.”

“They think it’s me?”

“No, because you were in your coma when it happened. And they found Phang dead.”


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