Page 65 of Endless

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“Not something I wanna broadcast.”

“But it’s me.Me, girl.” She pointed to her chest as she sat up. “Can you give us a second?” she asked her nail technician. Mine looked up, and I nodded as well.

Angelina had booked us at a posh spa for the mani-pedi tonight to help me get ready for the date, and right now, I was glad for the room we didn’t have to share with anyone.

“Thanks,” Angelina said to the technicians, then asked me, “What’s going on?”

“That guy, Rain. He—Hell, it could have been his brother who pulled the trigger at the crash.”


“Exactly.” I let out a long, slow breath. “My mind’s going nuts. Blowing things way out of proportion.”

“Damon’s out of the gang, you know that, right?”

“You and I both know it’s not that easy to get out of a gang. He all but said that to me, too.” I closed my eyes for a few beats. “I’m not sure I can do this.”

“Then why are you going out with him tonight?”

“Because I like him. As in,reallylike him. Look how strong he is. He’s blind, Angelina. Blind. And the short time he’s been awake, he’s come so far.”

“His stubbornness in this case is working for him, that’s for sure.”

“I’m scared to ask about what he did in the gang. And he really knows what happened to him, doesn’t he?”

“Doesn’t matter. He can’t talk about it. He can’t say anything.”

“Hunter tell you that?” I asked.

“And Drey. They both know all the details. In that world, though, loyalty is everything. They live and die by it. It’s messed up. But I can see why Damon joined.”

“I get that, too. I’ve read up on how people get snared into that life. But it freaks me out. What if Damon’s in trouble? And me, what if—I feel really selfish saying this, but, what if I get hurt? I don’t think I’ll survive witnessing another attack, or being a victim of one.”

“You won’t get hurt.”

“Probably not. But you know how my brain works. It’s like it searches for anything and everything bad that could happen.”

“I thought things were going well, I mean, with you, with the idea of a guy.”

“Sitting with Damon, yeah. The idea. Love the idea. Love kissing him. Lovehim.”

“TheLword already?”

“I think so. I mean, it’s way soon, but damn it. He’s so sweet and thoughtful. Rough around the edges and dangerous. But mostly I admire him. Not for going the gang route, so could do without that, but how he’s dealing with being blind.”

“He on the right path?”

“Seems like it, but we all know how volatile it is in the beginning. And then that gang stuff he’s got going on. And me. What if he doesn’t react all nice and solid like Hunter did when you told him about your stuff? Or Drey when Sarah told him. I mean, my junk wasn’t bad like yours or Sarah’s. But—”

“It was bad. A different kind of bad but still very, very bad. To witness your parents executed like that after a crash that nearly killed you.” She eyed me, probably to make sure I was doing okay with talking about it. “It was bad.”

“He’s going to look at me differently. Sure, I didn’t have to testify, the traffic camera got it all to slam the door on them forever, and I don’t have anyone after me or have witness protection issues. But still, I’m broken.”

“You’re mending. He’s mending. You’ll do it together, like you said.”

“I want to. Really bad.” I smiled at the idea of being with Damon. “I want what you and Sarah have with your guys.”

“It’s early. Have fun with him. Get to know him. You’re technically going on your first date. Enjoy it. The excitement.”

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