Page 68 of Endless

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“But you planned this. Got to my place on your own. I’m wrecking things.” Her voice cracked, and I could tell she was nervous. Maybe even fighting tears.

Dammit, she was upset.

“Sonotwrecking anything, LizBelle. I’m not a fan of cabs, either, they stink, usually, and they drive crazy.”

She laughed. “Let me get Carl.”

Holy shit, my girl had a driver. One at her beck and call. I was so asking about her money at dinner. There had to be some, because she didn’t work, she had a driver, and she was living in a penthouse at the top of a fancy hotel.

Then again, it was Angelina’s hotel, so she might be living there free, but still. I was curious. Wanted to learn more about Lizzie.

I stood there, tapping Mr. Magic as she went about her business. I’d so lost track of where I was. Falling water indicated the fountain was off to my left. Not sure how far. That meant the doors were to my right. Again, not sure how far. Murmurs swirled around me, and I couldn’t get any kind of orientation.

This sucked.

“Okay. We’re set.” She twined her fingers through mine. “Thirty steps to the door. Straight ahead.”

Interesting, though, she didn’t move. Didn’t lead. Didn’t guide. Only told me what was up ahead.

This chick was amazing.

“Cheesecakemakeseverythingrightin the world.” Lizzie moaned, and I heard the fork click on her teeth. She’d just taken a bite.

“I thought chicks were all about the chocolate.”

“Well, there’s that, but sometimes, it’s all about the cheesecake.” She let out a little giggle.

“Okay, you’ve answered the basics. Favorite color, movie—though you mentioned about fifteen for favorites—and now I know your favorite dessert. What’s next on the first date topic list?”

I reached for my water, hitting the mark spot-on.Yes!Didn’t matter that earlier I’d knocked one over, I’d nailed it this time!

“Hello?” I asked, hoping I didn’t miss her answer in my mental celebrating.

“Oh. Sorry. Caught me staring.” I laughed and took another bite. “First date topic list, huh?”

“Yeah. You know, typical first-date-type chatter.”

“Never really been on a first date, you know.”

“Wow! Really?” I felt around for my dessert plate and managed to stab my slice of cheesecake with my fork.

“Yep. And you’re doing a good job, Damon. I’m having fun.”

“Sweet! So, did you play sports in high school?”

“No.” Her voice cracked, then she said, “No sports for me. You?”

“What happened there? Heard a hitch in your voice.”

“Freak ears.”


“Only got through the ninth grade at a private school before I was homebound.”

“Oh. So sixteen?” My heart started picking at my ribcage at the thought of hearing more of her story. I’d tried a few times to get it out of her, but she was pretty tight-lipped about it.

“Yeah. Did you play sports?”

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