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"Summer, I want to but—"

"Bite, please. Please. Please, bite me. Mark me, make me yours, alpha." Fuck, she has no idea what her words are doing to me. But she's also becoming hysterical. Her eyes are brimming with tears, and she's looking at me like I've rejected her.

Fuck that.

I bring my mouth back to her neck and lick and suck on it, grazing my teeth every now and then, until her sobbing quiets to a gentle hiccup. When she seems near exhaustion, Mav and I both start purring for her, until she falls into a peaceful sleep with me still knotted inside her.



The past threedays have gone by in a blur of sweaty limbs, a myriad of positions, and uncontrollable need. I can remember every moment of it. There aren't any periods of blackouts where I don't remember anything but vague faces this time. No, this time, I'm lucid for the entire thing. I just can't seem to control my thundering pulse or the usual omega mannerisms. My nest has to be a certain way the entire time, to the point where I don't let Maverick or Hudson on the bed with me, which they never seem to mind. Hudson went to open the window to vent the room at one point, and I almost attacked him for trying to ruin the aroma we'd been creating. Their scents were everywhere now. On me, on my bed, in the kitchen and bathroom. All over. And my omega was jumping for joy.

I was also spending an embarrassing amount of time rubbing myself over them, scent marking, and begging for a claiming mark. From the minute Hudson came back smelling like a female beta—his ex no less—my omega has demanded we make them smell like us. To stake our claim, because as much as that side of me wanted them to bite us for real, it wasn't possible. Doesn't mean I didn't want to pretend like it could be in our future. Every teasing scrape of teeth or suckling of their mouths on my neck drove me wild. When they figured it out, rather than put them off since they've seen the bite marks Brody and Connor left, they got even more voracious than before. They fucked me at the same time again, only this time they kept swapping back and forth between my ass and pussy. Right when one was about to push his knot in, they'd switch positions. I was deliciously sore after that round and slept for my longest bout when we finished.

They make me drink as much water as I can between waves, and try to ply me with food and sweets. I've only managed some crackers and a granola bar. It did make me melt when Hudson brought back groceries for me, though. Not that I can't provide for myself, but it's nice to be taken care of again. Almost four months alone may not seem like a lot, but as an omega, I crave the comfort and contact with people. Well, maybe not the sleezy bar patrons, butmypeople. Friends...pack.

I can also tell I'm at the end of my heat. My skin doesn't feel so overheated I'm throwing blankets off me, just a little warm to the touch. The excruciating cramping in my stomach has simmered down to a light churning, and as much as I'd like to erase the marks I have and let Pack Whitlock replace them, I no longer feel the need to beg them for it.

Soft snores come from either side of me, where Maverick is cuddled with his head on my chest, and Hudson is acting as big spoon behind me. From my window overlooking a busy Chicago street, I can hear the buzz of commuters walking home and cars honking in the road. A light purple and reddish hue filters through, signaling the sun setting. I hope I can convince Maverick and Hudson to stay one more night, even when they wake up and realize the worst of my heat has passed. It's Monday though, so they'll probably have to get back to work tomorrow. They already took today off to be with me; Maverick sent a text to Jerrick yesterday from my phone telling him my heat started and that I wouldn't be in for the week. I could go in if I wanted to, since I'm a functioning human again, but he told me to take as much time as I needed, and it probably isn't a good idea to go in when the possibility of an aftershock hitting tomorrow or Wednesday.

Hudson stirs behind me, burying his face in my neck and sniffing me. "You smell so fucking good," he whispers in my ear, biting down gently and making my core clench. Interest stirs in my belly again, softer this time. Like a gentle poke instead of the painful stabbing.

He must smell my arousal because my leg is lifted and pulled over his, spreading me open, before I have the chance to say I'm no longer hurting. With a single thrust, he sheathes himself inside me, and my head drops back on a soundless scream.

"Shhh," he husks quietly. "Don't wake up Mav, pretty girl. I want you to myself this time." I nod vigorously, eager to please. "That's my good omega."

The way he's talking to me, I know he can tell I'm fully in control now. But he's still moving inside me, completely uncaring. He wants this—me—even without the excuse of a heat, and it makes me clench down on him as small, pre-orgasm flutters assault me, teasing me.

"Fuck," he snarls and grinds into me in short, hard thrusts. Each one dragging along the sweet spot inside me and building me toward the peak. Mav mumbles something incoherent, making me and Hudson both still, but he doesn't wake. He does, however, nuzzle against my chest a little more, making the slightly scratchy texture of his beard skate across my peaked nipple. I moan at the accidental sensory overload.

Hudson's hand clamps down on my mouth. "I thought you were going to be quiet? Do I need to gag you?" His words are more sensual than threatening, and I'm a little horrified to realize it's turning me on even more. I never letthemgag or bind me. It never appealed before, but with Hudson whispering filthy promises to me, I feel differently.

Still, I shake my head, more intent on pleasing him than exploring right now. His deep chuckle vibrates through me, making me shiver. Keeping his hand in place over my mouth, he says, "Touch yourself, baby. Make yourself cum."

I want to tell him he's doing a bang up job of it all by himself, but I can't talk, so I snake my hand down and rub myself between my slit. Wetness is already pooling around us, down my thighs, and making a small squelching sound as he pumps in deeper. I gather some of that and rub around my clit in fast, small circles. A few seconds later, my scream is muffled by his hand, and we're dropping over the edge together.

With a small kiss to my neck, he pulls out of me with a sigh. "Do you think it's over for good?" he asks me quietly, still aware of Maverick's prone form inches away.

"Well, maybe notfor good,but for the next four months or so, yeah," I tease him.

"Little shit, you know what I meant," he growls playfully, poking my side. "Four months, huh. Gives us plenty of time to recharge. I'm beat." He plants sweet, trailing kisses from my neck down to my shoulder, but I'm not paying attention anymore. I'm stuck on the fact he just saidusafter referencing my next heat. Meaning he wants to be around for it. Elation pours through me, and it's like the sun has come out after a long, hard winter. If you gave me a mirror right now, I'd bet I look almost scary, that's how big my smile stretches across my face. But I try to play it cool.

"Just barely though. I don't think I'll be able to walk for a week," I pout, turning to look at him so he sees my bottom lip sticking out. The wicked, and absolutely smug, smirk he gives me makes laughter bubble up. Typical male.

"Don't worry, I'll carry you wherever you want to go," his grin is infectious. Worry niggles at the edge of my mind, wondering if he'll be around to carry me like he jokes. I muster up enough courage to ask a roundabout question, "Will you guys stay tonight?"

Will you stay forever?

His brows shoot up in surprise, before furrowing in confusion. "Of course we'll stay. Why wouldn't we?" I don't want to flout my insecurities, so I just shrug. No need to tell him it's because I'm worried they're here to help me through my heat because they're nice guys, but then they're bouncing. He grumbles at my non-answer. "Yes, pretty girl. We're staying. Probably until you kick us out now." My heart lifts.

"Really?" I turn and grin up at him. His eyes roll in response.

"Yes, you silly woman. We're here to stay." He leans in to press a gentle kiss to my lips.

As warmth engulfs me and Hudson pulls me tighter against his chest, I fall asleep picturing a future where I'm part of a pack again. Pack Whitlock.

* * *
