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He silently cursed Goldie Duvalle for being such a callous, selfish human being. It had taken all his willpower to step back. Nicole had handled the situation with infinitely more grace than he would have. Rehearsal dinner be damned—he’d wanted nothing more than to have the woman dragged out of the room by security and thrown on the first flight back to wherever she’d come from.

He half listened to his father and brother, who were deep in conversation comparing their latest travel stories. Valerio Marchesi was a wild card. He had declined their father’s invitation into the family business in order to pursue his own career, chartering yachts and luxury sailing boats around the Caribbean. Now, ten years later, he was a success in his own right, co-owner of one of the biggest luxury maritime-vessel charter companies in the world.

Rigo envied his younger brother his freedom, his lack of responsibility. Normally he would have been eager to hear about Valerio’s pirate-like exploits on the high seas, but tonight his mind just wasn’t focused. Try as he did to stop them, his eyes kept straying to Nicole.

Once the dinner had ended and all the wine had been drunk, the guests began to filter up to their rooms. He stood in the hallway with his parents to say goodnight. Nicole was deep in conversation with his mother and aunts. Valerio stood by his side, arms crossed, filled with the same tension he had seen in him all evening.

‘You look s if you’ve sucked on a lemon.’ Rigo raised a brow at his younger brother. ‘Careful, or I might think your speech was insincere.’

‘I just can’t get my head around your logic, that’s all.’ Valerio shrugged. ‘But just because I don’t agree with it, it doesn’t mean I don’t wish you happiness.’

‘If you’re worried I haven’t learned something in the past ten years, then you can relax. This is nowhere near the same situation,’ Rigo warned him, not wanting to get into a conversation about his disastrous relationship history. He knew his family had been affected by his relationship with Lydia, but seeing the tension in his brother’s face made it clear that he should have been more considerate in breaking the news this time.

‘No, it’s not. At least this time you knew the woman was a gold-digger before you arranged the wedding.’ Valerio looked at him. ‘I just don’t want to see you go through the same hell you did with Lydia. That she-beast changed you.’

‘I learned a valuable lesson from that “she-beast”.’ Rigo smiled darkly. ‘Never trust a woman with anything more than your credit card. And even then at least check the bills.’

His smile died on his lips as he turned to see Nicole standing by his side, a mask of hurt on her face.

Valerio cleared his throat, taking his mother’s arm and ushering her up the stairs with a murmured goodnight.

Nicole narrowed her eyes at him, her shoulders squared. ‘She-beast?’ she said quietly.

‘That conversation wasn’t about you.’ He forced an easy smile, taking her hand into his. She pushed it away. ‘We were talking about someone else.’

She nodded once, not quite seeming to relax. ‘Charming. Your brother doesn’t like me at all.’

‘My not-so-little brother has a very large, very annoying sense of protectiveness towards me.’ Rigo sighed, looking up at where Valerio and his mother were just disappearing around the corner at the top of the stairs. ‘You’re not the only person I’ve hurt in the past due to my own stubbornness.’

She looked up at him. ‘That doesn’t explain why he’s taking it out on me.’

‘It’s this situation we’re in. This whirlwind wedding. It’s an uncomfortable reminder for them all of the last time I told them I was engaged.’

* * *

Rigo continued, oblivious to the horrified expression she knew must be on her face. ‘I was engaged to be married ten years ago and it ended...badly.’

‘What happened?’ Nicole asked, even though a part of her didn’t want to believe he’d been engaged to someone else at all.

‘Just the usual stuff.’ He shrugged, looking down at the floor briefly. ‘The break-up was rather messy, and my mother took it quite hard. The wedding had been planned, invitations sent out.’

‘That sounds like a nightmare,’ she breathed.

A strange look came over his face—a mask of emotion so intense it took her breath away. All of a sudden it was gone, replaced by a blank stare.

‘It was many years ago, Nicole.’

He reached down to take her hand in his once more and this time she didn’t push it away. Knowing he had a heart after all, knowing he had been affected on some level by heartache, made her want to be the one to heal him.
