Page 191 of Broken Lines

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Judy pales. She goes stiff, her eyes locking with mine and hardening.

“End this shit, now, or—”

“Don’t play games with me, Jackson.”

I frown as she starts to grin at me.

“You think I’ll just takeyoudown?” Her eyes blaze as she leans close, putting her mouth by my ear.

“I’ll take Iggy down, with you.”

I go still, my jaw clenching.

“Think of poor Alice, hearing that her dear Iggy liked touching little girls.”

“Fuck you,you toxic piece of—”

“I’ll do it,” she says smugly, leaning back from me.

“Do what?” Melody hisses.

But Judy just looks at me.

“The truth will ruin—”

“You mean yourlieswill ruin—”

“My lies will be on national news, Jackson,” she snaps. “And peopleloveto tear down a former idol. Think of poor Alice. Worse, think of poor Eleanor, knowing her daddy was a predator like that?”


I was prepared for war, and for Judy to use chemical weapons. I was prepared to walk through fire if I had to.

I’m not prepared to make Alice and Eleanor do it.

I blink, numb as Judy smirks at me. She reaches over, grabbing Melody’s hand and yanking her back.

Away from me.


“Let’s go, Melody,” Judy snaps.

My eyes lock onto Mel, my heart ripping open as I watch a tear slide down her face.

“This isn’t over,” I growl quietly, shaking with rage, pain, and emotion.

“Believe me,” Judy hisses. “It is.”

All I can do is stand there, my jaw grinding to dust and my eyes lethally locked onto Melody as her mother pulls her away through the crowd to a door at the back of the event space.

Melody turns, and our eyes lock through the sea of strangers.

This isn’t over.

But suddenly, another face from my past is slipping in through that doorway. My eyes narrow as Kurt fucking Harrison sees me, grinning that same douchebag smile of his as he flashes devil-horn hands at me like a complete wanker.

But then, something happens.

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