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Lexi hadn’t had any interaction with the head healer at the clinic. She never seemed to be around when Lexi was working. The healer was definitely much younger than Lexi had anticipated. She knew she wasn’t an old woman, but it struck her as interesting just how young, and even striking, the healer actually was.

Seeing her step out of the crowd in the robes she wore at the clinic with her long fire-red locks assured Lexi of a couple things. Xander hadn’t been lying when he said he knew she was his mate if he had refused someone as perfect looking as the healer and that he was certainly focused on finding the true mate that he was mystically linked to.

It also made her a bit apprehensive. Healers weren’t really known for their fighting skills, so she was likely going to rely on shifting as most young members of a big pack do. The fact that she was youthful meant that she was going to be able to put up a fight.

The young woman spoke, disrobing at the same time, revealing a sleek and stylish one-piece that hugged athletic curves and muscles.

“I challenge you,” the healer said. “I challenge you to the death.”

The pack surrounding them gasped and chattered. Lexi, in her own one-piece and her hair tied back into a tight, steady ponytail, held up one finger into the air.

Everyone quieted. She was already making an impression on the people as a formidable queen, one that was firm and just. She sensed Xander’s supportive energy next to her, making her body vibrate with the memories of their lovemaking. The mark still hummed on her neck, and she traced it, reminding herself who the hell she was.

“There is one caveat … no shifting.”

The crowd began to groan, some in approval, some complaining. None of that mattered to Lexi, though, she had been challenged by someone, and she made the rules, and if they didn’t agree with it, it would be their loss.

The healer flashed her a smirk and proceeded to tie up her flaming red hair into a bun. She did it swiftly, then moved toward the prospective queen.

Xander grabbed onto her shoulder and clenched.

“Are you sure about this?”

His voice was tentative and maybe even a bit afraid. It made her angry at first, but then she realized that his fear was new, that it existed only because he now had something and someone to lose.

Lexi turned to him and moved her eyes up and down before giving her man a playful wink.

“I got this, baby. Without the shifting, I have the advantage. Trust me.”

Xander had to continue to play the part of the concerned partner but also had to take heed of tradition. Once someone was challenged in a pack, no one, not even the king, could stop it from occurring.

He gave her shoulder one last squeeze, then, with a sad look in his eyes, he took a step back before making his proclamation.

“Let the fight for Queen of Obsidianvale commence.”

The pack knew what to do and backed away from the women who would be at the center of the ring. They chattered, and some jeered as Lexi took in a deep, cleansing breath.

She had to remember the training from when she was merely a teenager. It was something she rarely had to apply, other than a handful of times in the schoolyard where a bully was pestering her. But most of the time, her sisters came to her aid, preventing her from successfully following through on any battle that approached.

After all, she was the baby sister, but she had to defend herself. That was why she kept up the training when her father canceled the classes, thinking that he was inciting aviolent temperin the young girl.

Oh, how she had desired that violence many a time rather than the sad-dog-with-its-tail-between-its-legs personality that emerged. But that wouldn’t be her anymore. Xander had summoned the fighter, and she loved her.

The healer raised her fists in the air and began to pace around the immaculately curated lawn. Lexi did the same, keeping her fists low, measuring her opponent with a keen sense of defensiveness. She didn’t have to think about anyone on the sidelines jumping in. If they were to interfere, they would surely be sentenced to death right then or on a pack trial.

Lexi crept closer, feeling brave when the healer snarled.

“You have no chance, half-breed. Give it up now. You’ll never be queen.”

Lexi could have let it get to her easily. The term was triggering and, in the past, would have caused her limbs to flail in a blind rage. But she was calculating, moving in a hop and a step toward the healer, sending a fake-out punch to distract from the right-side flank. Then her right fist clenched like a stone flawlessly collided with the left side of the healer’s jaw.

“Oh!” the crowd cheered.

Lexi felt her knuckles connect in slow motion. It hurt to hit someone as hard as she could, but the adrenaline that arrived with the successful strike was enough to fuel the momentum for the rest of the clash.

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