Page 52 of Ascending

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“Not that it matters anymore, but yes.”

Palmer felt Elizabeth shutting down with the thought of her loss.

“And Alex?”

“Alex?” Elizabeth asked, her tone shifting back to where it was before.

“What was he like?”

“Rebellious second in line, if there ever was one.”

“Yeah?” Palmer chuckled and shifted down more into the blankets.

“He never really settled down, either.”

“Well, he got married. Some would say that’s settling down, right?”

Elizabeth didn’t say anything in reply, and Palmer worried she’d brought up another bad memory. She moved her legs over until she could feel Elizabeth’s still-cold feet.

“I can feel how cold they are from all the way on my side. Give them here so I can warm them up.”

“You’re always freezing,” Elizabeth said, laughing but allowing her legs to be captured by Palmer’s all the same.

“Outside; I’m always freezingoutside. Inside, I’m fine.”

“I must be the opposite, then. Itisa little cold in here, isn’t it?”

“Is your room warmer?”

“Probably not. I didn’t add wood to my fire tonight.”

“There’s no central heat in this place?”

“There is. It’s on, but it’s likely on low. I usually keep the fire burning until after I fall asleep.”

“Queens put wood on their fires even in theirownpalaces?” Palmer teased.

“This one does,” Elizabeth replied proudly.

Palmer laughed a little and said, “So, Victoria… Does she really not like me?”

“What? No, she doesn’t know you. She only knows your profession.”

“And I’m guilty by association?”

“Yes. But, perhaps, if you spend some time with her, you’ll be able to change her opinion. She wants me to have dinner with her and David tomorrow night. I think he’s going to ask her to marry him soon, and tomorrow night, he’s likely to ask me for her hand.”


“I’m technically supposed to give my blessing as Queen. I’ve already told her they don’t need it, and they’re free to marry as they please, but David wants to follow the tradition.”

“A royal wedding?”

“Yes, most likely,” Elizabeth said. “If you’re free tomorrow night, maybe you could join us for dinner.”


“Yes, Palmer. Youarethe only one in here.”
