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Tyran Eagle O’Neal was the middle child of triplets. All boys, all large, all belonging to Eagle and Tinley O’Neal. To say that they were mischievous as children would have been an understatement, but of the three, Ty liked pushing the limits the most, including with people. He never meant to be cruel or unkind, it was just an insatiable curiosity that seemed to never be quenched.

If it wasn’t his brothers he was pestering, he was pushing his parents. If it wasn’t his parents, he was pushing the men in the motorcycle shop, his uncles. It was an unending list of questions, with the answer always leading to another question. It was exhausting.

“Dad? How does a baby get into a lady’s stomach?” he asked. Wrenches and screwdrivers could be heard clattering to the floor of the motorcycle shop as they all turned to stare at Eagle and then his son.

“Why are you asking that?” said Eagle. In his head he was trying to calculate if it were possible that Tinley was pregnant again, but he knew it wasn’t.

“I wanna know. There are lots of ladies here with babies in their bellies, and Miss Angela at school has a baby in her belly, and she’s not even married, so you obviously don’t need a husband.”

“Well, that’s not exactly true,” said Eagle, frowning, wondering how he would answer this. “It’s true that you don’t have to be married, but you do need a man in order for a lady to have a baby growing in her belly.” Ty frowned, staring at his father.

“Does he do something to make the baby grow?” Skull let out a loud belly laugh, shaking his head. “Is that funny?”

“No. Uncle Skull is just being an asshole,” frowned Eagle. “Why is this so important to know now, Ty? You’re only ten. We’ve talked about this. Ask questions that you feel you need to know in order to be better at something in your day-to-day life. But don’t ask questions just because the mood strikes you.”

“Well,” he shrugged, “It will make me better because I’ll know, and I don’t think the other kids do. Clay Bond said that a bird brings a baby, which is stupid ‘cause the baby is in the lady’s belly. Marcus Ford said that the man sticks his wiener inside the lady’s butt! Please tell me I don’t have to do that.”

“Shit,” muttered Eagle. He noticed all the other men walking toward them, Razor, Whiskey, and Skull smiling at him. “No, you don’t stick your wiener in her butt.”

“Wellll,” grinned Whiskey.

“Shut the hell up,” growled Eagle. “Ty, when a man and a woman love one another, they are intimate. That means…”

“I know,” he said with a wry smile, “it means they kiss and touch each other. Marcus said you have to touch her boobs which also sounds gross to me.”

“Who the hell is this Marcus kid?” said Razor. Eagle took a deep breath and had his son sit on the stool in front of him.

“Listen, Ty, Marcus is wrong about a lot of things. Men and women’s bodies are meant to fit together. When they love one another, their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. Their love plants a seed in the woman’s belly, and a baby grows. But that happens much later in life when you’re a grown man.”

“Oh, I know that,” he said, waving off his father. “Marcus’s brother is nineteen, and he has two babies.”

“Shit,” muttered Eagle. “Nineteen is way too young to have babies, Ty. It can happen, obviously, but it’s not ideal. You want to be an adult with a job and be able to take care of yourself, your wife, and the baby.”

“Wife? I don’t want a wife,” said Ty. “If I have to have a wife to have a baby, I’m just going to get a dog.”

“Well,” said Eagle, clearing his throat, “you could get a dog, but trust me, Ty, there’s nothing like the love of a woman. Can you imagine us not having your mom?”

“Uh uh,” he said, shaking his head. “No way. Mom is the best, and she makes the best spaghetti ever!”

“I know, and she’s really good at so many things. I wouldn’t have you and your brothers if it wasn’t for your mom. I need her in my life. One day, in maybe fifteen or twenty years, you’re going to meet a woman that you think is the most beautiful, interesting, smartest woman in the whole wide world, and you’re going to want her to be your wife.”

“Do all guys feel that way?” he asked, looking at the men in the room. They all nodded. “So, Bella is the perfect girl for Uncle Razor but not for Uncle Whiskey.”

“That’s right,” grinned Razor. “And Kat is perfect for Whiskey but not for me.”

“Marcus is stupid,” he frowned.

“I don’t think Marcus is stupid,” chuckled Eagle, “I just think he has limited information at his fingertips. You’re still very young, Ty, but one day you’ll meet a girl that you really like. It might happen when you’re still a teenager, and you have to be able to know when to stop touching her. Otherwise, you might be a very young man with a baby to take care of.” Ty’s eyes got really big, and he shook his head.

“No way,” he said. “I don’t want poopy diapers and crying babies in my house. No way. Besides, I don’t wanna have to touch a girl like Marcus said.”

“Well, you might change your mind one day, but that’s a long way off. You don’t have to worry about this today.”

“Okay. Thanks, Dad!” He took off out the back door of the shop, running toward the cottage. Eagle just stared at him as he was running, then looked back at the other men.

“Thanks a fuck lot for your help,” he muttered. Whiskey laughed, shaking his head.
