Page 11 of Bone

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“I know, sweet girl. I know you’re hurting, and I’m so damn sorry. We’ve got you fixed up and healing, but it’s going to take a while,” he smiled. She tried to open both eyes, but only one actually cooperated with her.

“H-he found me,” she said.

“I know, and we’ll talk about who he is later. Right now, just know that he won’t come near you ever again.”


“He’s okay. He got a little dinged up, but he won, believe me.” Tears began streaming down her cheeks, and she sucked in several painful breaths.

“They raped me,” she cried in a mewling cry. “They raped me!”

“Baby,” he said, sucking in a breath. “I know. I know, and I’m so fucking sorry I wasn’t there to stop them. We’re going to get you well.”

“No one will want me,” she cried.

“Bullshit,” he chuckled. She turned slightly to stare at him. “That’s just pure bullshit. I want you more than you can possibly know. But none of that matters right now. All that matters is that we get you well. We find these guys and wipe them from the earth. End of story.”

“C-Cisco. Cisco Perez. Houston.” She whispered the last words, her eyes closing again. Riley walked in, checked her vitals, and delivered another dose of pain meds. Bone stood, turning to look at the three big men behind him.

“Max? I’d appreciate it if Team Big looked after my girl for me.”

“What are you doing, Bone?” asked the older man.

“I’m going to kill Cisco Perez.”


“Bone! Wait!” yelled Luke. He was pushing and shoving his way through the men when his brothers stepped in front of him. Bone stared at them.

“Out of my way,” he sneered.

“I love you, brother, but you’re not going after a barrio gang leader by yourself.”

“I’m going to kill him,” repeated Bone.

“We get it,” said Alec, standing behind Bone, “but you’re not doing it like this – alone. We’re with you, and you’re going to need to do some recon before we go after him. Besides, that girl needs you right now. We’ll find him but focus on her for now.”

Bone stared up at the big man, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to push through him even if he wanted to. But it was the two small hands holding his own that had him falling apart. His mother was on one side, Mama Irene on the other.

“She needs you, Ty. Don’t run off right now. She’ll think that you left her. Trust me in this.” His mother squeezed his hand, and Ty knew that she understood.

“Baby, you’ll get your shot at that man, and you’ll do what’s right. But for now, take care of that girl in there. She believes you care for her,” said Mama Irene.

“I do care for her.” Bone slowly shook his head back and forth, fighting the tears coming to his eyes. “More than I thought possible. I want to make this man pay for what he did to her, Mama Irene.”

“And you will, baby. All my boys will help to make sure his evil is wiped off this earth. But you can’t do it alone. You know that. He will soon learn that the wolf is at his door, and his days are numbered.

“But look at me, Ty. That baby in there needs you. She needs to know that someone truly cares for her and won’t desert her. I know you can do that for her. I know you can let her know that she’s loved and cared for, no matter what.” Bone started to cry, his mother gripping his hand tighter. “Look around you, baby. You got a whole army ready to help you. Strong, brave, smart men. But look closer. Look at the faces of the women who have been through the same. Look at my baby, Rachelle. Look at Cait and Winter. Look at your own Mama, baby. They’re all here for you.”

Bone let out a howl filled with pain and anger. He turned toward Alec, who nodded at him, knowing he needed this. Pounding his fists into Alec’s chest, the big man let him go for a minute, then gripped him, hugging him, hugging him tightly to his massive body. Eagle stared down the hallway from Londyn’s room, seeing the display. He slowly walked toward the two men and placed his hand on Bone’s back.

Turning, Bone was face to face with the men identical to him. His father, his Uncle Hawk, Hoot, and HG.

“I feel so helpless,” he said, sniffing. “I should have been with her.”

“You couldn’t have known, brother. Parker is eaten alive over this,” said Hawk. “He didn’t do anything we wouldn’t have done, but it won’t change how he feels.” Bone looked over his uncle’s shoulder at Parker’s face, fresh with tears.

“I’m sorry, Parker. It’s not your fault. I’m not angry at you,” said Bone.
