Page 19 of Bone

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“What’s your name?” asked Luke.

“Come on! I told you what I know,” he pleaded.

“Name,” said Trak.

“Manny Correz.”

“You’ve earned a get-out-of-jail-free card, Manny. Leave this area, this state. Don’t come back, and don’t ever talk about this again.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? I wouldn’t know what the hell to tell people.” He stood, cradling his wounded hand in the other. As he started to walk away, he turned back to the men. “Listen, for what it’s worth, I hope you find and kill him. But killing him won’t be enough. The entire gang has to die. They have a plan for who takes over if one of them dies, and they’ve sworn blood oaths to carry on as Cisco has taught them. They all have to die, but Chavez might be willing to help you. He hates him with a passion.”

Manny disappeared down the steps, and the men all just stared at one another. Grady walked up with three big bags, handing them to Luke.

“Fried soft-shell crabs for Mama Irene and George. I’m sure they can add ‘em to the dinner menu tonight.”

“Thank you, Grady. And we’ll send out a replacement for the table.” He nodded, laughing at the men.

“I sure have missed you, boys.”


“Fucking Chavez,” muttered Ghost. “Are you kidding me? That son-of-a-bitch is as old as we are. He’s been around since the dawn of time, or at least it feels that way.”

“This kid, Manny, he said Chavez might actually work with us to get rid of Perez. If he’s related to Londyn, that might make it all the more personal for him.”

Luke looked at Cam, Hex, and Eric. They’d been talking about a possible plan but weren’t sure how the others might feel about it.

“What’s on your mind, son?” asked Gaspar.

“I think we need to send a few men down to meet with Chavez. In the open. Give him the story and see what he says,” said Luke. “We’ve got enough men that are fluent in Spanish and capable of taking care of themselves that we should be okay. We can ask Miguel to reach out to him. They’re old friends.”

“You’re in luck,” said Miguel, walking into the auditorium. “I suspected you might want to speak with him. He’s actually in the states today. He’ll be in Dallas for another five hours. He said if you could meet him at the private runway in Addison just outside of Dallas, he’d speak with you.” Luke raised his brows.

“That was quite an assumption on your part, Miguel.” He laughed, shaking his head.

“I’ve known you a long time, friend. I know how you think. Chavez is a drug dealer, but he doesn’t touch women or children. He’s as brutal as drug lords can be, but he’s never been unreasonable. He’s happy with his piece of the pie in Central America. He’ll be rational.”

“Do you want to go?” asked Hex. Miguel looked at Doug, then back at the others.

“I would love to go, but my sweet partner believes I should not,” he grinned. “I will let you boys handle this. Do me one favor? Do not send Lucia or any of the other women. Chavez does not deal in women, but he likes them and will take what he wants.”

“Alright,” nodded Luke. “Torro, Cruz, Gabriel, and…”

“Me,” said HG. “I’m fluent in Spanish and spent a lot of time in Central America. I want to do this for my brother.”

“Okay, and HG. Get over to Dallas, meet with him, and get the fuck back.”

Londyn stared at the man who was sound asleep in the chair in the corner. His neck was bent at an awkward angle, but his soft snores made her somehow feel safer. The massive dog, freshly bathed, was lying at the foot of her bed.

She’d watched Bone for more than an hour now. He barely moved, barely made a sound, but he was content sitting in that leather chair with his feet propped up on an old suitcase, just to make her feel more comfortable. A shadow filled the doorway, and she turned, seeing an almost identical version of him.

“He’s still asleep,” smirked Eagle.

“Yes. I didn’t want to wake him. I had a rough night.”

“I’m sorry, honey. You should have called. We can give you something to help with the pain,” he said, sitting beside her on the bed.

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I don’t want anything else for pain. Not right now. Besides, it wasn’t pain. It was nightmares. I keep having this dream of being pinned down and – and someone is above me.” Her eyes filled with tears, and Eagle gently reached for her hand.
