Page 21 of Bone

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“I will never be able to repay you for saving me,” she sniffed. “I know I look awful, and I feel about the same. But I would be dead, or worse, if you hadn’t come back so quickly.”

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there sooner,” he said, gently holding her against him.

“It’s alright. I’m going to be alright.”

“Speaking of,” grinned Titus. “We were told that if you felt like it, we should take you to the pond today.”

“The pond? You want me to go swimming? I have broken bones and casts. I don’t think that’s advisable. I mean, I’m a dentist, not a medical doctor, but I know enough to know that’s not usually recommended.”

“Do you trust me?” asked Bone. She stared up at him, then at the faces of all the men.

“I trust all of you more than you could possibly know.”

“Then we go to the pond.” Bone gently lifted her in his arms as the others opened the door. Settled in the back of one of the big ATVs, Bodhi drove them to the pond while Rory called Riley and the medical team to join them.

“I wish you’d tell me why you think swimming in a pond will help me,” she said quietly.

“It’s something you have to experience to believe,” smiled Bone. They stepped out of the ATV, Bone still holding onto Londyn. He handed her over to his father while he stripped and jumped into the pond.

“You’re going to have to undress,” said Rory. “No one will look, but I have to help you.” She nodded, swallowing at the big man. Rory carefully removed the nightgown, then unwrapped her arm and removed the sling for the collarbone. She hissed in pain as her arm moved, then he lifted her naked body and walked to the end of the dock.

Kneeling, he waited for Bone to come toward him, then gently lay Londyn in his arms, watching him swim away.

“It’s a thermal spring,” she smiled. “It feels good. My aches are already slipping away.”

“Move your hand, baby.”

She stared at him, then lifted her hand that she was still cradling and wiggled her fingers. Shock covered her face as she moved the hand in every direction, then her shoulder. Pushing back slightly from Bone, she moved her hips forward and back, side to side. She felt her stomach and no longer felt the swelling, the bruising disappearing.

“Go under,” he grinned.

Nodding her head, she dove beneath the water and swam toward the waterfall, then back toward the dock. When she came up, she touched her face, realizing that the swelling was completely gone.

“I-I don’t understand,” she whispered. The others were all smiling at her, Riley and Doc now with them as well.

“We don’t understand either,” said Doc. “Is everything moving normally? No pain?”

“No. Nothing,” she said, shaking her head. “I can move everything in every direction. How? How can this possibly help me?”

“It’s definitely a conversation for our clinic team meetings,” smiled Doc. “Are you ready to get out?”

“Yes, I think so,” she said, nodding. She turned to see Bone smiling at her, his hair wet against his head, his beard dripping from the water. His finely honed muscles were flexing as he was treading water. His shoulders bulged with power. She swam toward him, throwing her arms around his neck. Kissing him sweetly, she pulled back, then hugged him again, their naked bodies flat against one another.

“Thank you. Thank you for everything, but mostly, thank you for caring for me.”

“Baby, I don’t just care for you. I love you.”


Addison, Texas, was a bustling, busy, booming suburb of Dallas. Filled with wealthy tech nerds, millennials with more money than common sense, great bars and restaurants, it was the place to be if you were young, single, or young and married. For the men of RP, it was where they had to be for the moment.

“Jesus, look at all that fucking traffic,” said Gabriel, pointing to the main road behind them. “This is why I live in the bayou. No traffic except a few boats, gators, and snakes. All this concrete and steel makes me claustrophobic.”

“We’re used to our peaceful neck of the woods,” smiled HG. He looked around the private hangar, seeing three planes. One was too small for Chavez. One was too old. But the third, much like Goldilocks and her bed, was just right.

“That’s got to be him,” said Cruz. They walked toward the open stairs and called out. “Buenos dias.SeñorChavez?”

“Sí, Sí,” came the call. “Please come.”
