Page 47 of Bone

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“We appreciate you telling us that,” said Cam.

“Jesus, what a fucked-up scenario,” said Rory.

“Yea, but it’s done, and now Londyn and Bone can live their lives,” said HG. The ping of his phone sent a shiver down his spine. No one had been able to figure out what the hell the number was.

“I’ve had enough of this.”

Can’t call. Where are you? Meet me.

“Let’s see how that works.”


It was several hours before Bone was home, but he walked in, smiled at Londyn, took a shower, and then walked with her to dinner without saying a word. Somehow, she knew. She knew that he wasn’t going to tell her what happened to Cisco, but she also knew that she wouldn’t have to fear him ever again.

“I love you,” he said, smiling at her over whiskey bread pudding.

“I love you, too,” she said, kissing him. “Not just for all you’ve done for me, but for loving me just the way I am.”

“Marry me,” he said. “Please. Marry me.”

“Yes,” she smiled. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

As the talk turned to wedding planning and parties, dresses and rings, Code walked in and immediately turned his attention to HG.

“Hey, man, what’s up?” he asked.

“That phone number that was texting you? It’s registered to aMaggie Turnerof Sacramento, California.”

“I don’t know anyone by that name,” said HG.

“She works for a law firm as a paralegal in the area. No priors. No record. Nothing out of the ordinary that I can find so far.”

“No fucking clue,” said HG again. “I sent a text just saying I’d meet but needed to know where they were. Didn’t know it was a she at the time.”

“Well, when she responds, make sure you take someone with you. You have no clue if this person is unhinged or what the shit might be happening.” HG nodded at the older man, trusting his instincts. He was right. He didn’t need to go off and meet this person alone. It wouldn’t be ideal.

When his phone pinged again, he stared at the text message.

I was told you were from the New Orleans area. Staying at the Ritz-Carlton. Can you meet me here for breakfast in the morning.

Sure. 0900.

HG spoke to his brothers about the text and potential meeting in the morning. Ben and Adam agreed to tag along as well, which made him feel better. Although, he wasn’t terribly worried since it was in a very public place.

HG watched as AJ held Skylar close to him, kissing the side of her face. Hoot had Scout seated on his lap, feeding her the bread pudding, and Bone looked so fucking happy it might be illegal in a few states.

He wondered what that would be like and if he would ever find it. He’d been very particular about any women he’d spent time with over the years. He never had unprotected sex, and he never let the women spend the night. It was a hard and fast rule.

What he couldn’t figure out is who Maggie Turner was. He didn’t ever remember sleeping with anyone named Maggie, and it wasn’t as if he’d slept with dozens of women. Shrugging his shoulders, he finished his dinner, congratulated Bone and Londyn, and went back out to the mansion.

Sitting in the living room were Kegger and Sheila, laughing as they watched a movie. Kegger lifted a straw, holding it gently to her lips as she sipped the strawberry milkshake. Watching from the doorway, he smiled as Kegger held her hand.

Not wanting to break the mood, he turned and went upstairs to shower and change. When he woke with a start at precisely 0700, he gasped. He’d dreamed more than usual, and they weren’t his usual dreams. These involved faces he’d never seen before.

With his brothers, Ben, and Adam, in tow, they made their way into the city and to the Ritz-Carlton. The usually busy hotel was quiet for a weekday morning as they entered the big restaurant. He looked around, trying to find someone that might look familiar. With his brothers by his side, surely someone would recognize him or one of them.

When a woman stood from a table, holding the hand of a little boy, his heart stopped. He was about four years old but appeared to be of mixed race. She stopped in front of them, staring at them.
