Page 27 of Captivated

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I sway up behind Tierra and Tina who are dancing on one another. Tierra grins, throwing her hips into mine as we start to sway. I close my eyes, moving to the music. When I open them, Amelia is watching me. I feel her. She wants to dance with me.

I grin as I stretch my arm out pointing at her, I bend my finger telling her to come to me. Gerry takes her hand and pulls her out of their sandwich. I move towards her, looking up and down at her body. I can’t stop my appreciation of her body. She shyly laughs.

She takes my hand, and I swirl her into me. Her back pressed against my chest. I sprawl my other hand across her flat stomach. We start to sway to the music. God, she’s heaven in my arms.

We fit perfectly. Like my well-tailored suits, designed for my body. She’s made for me. I know it. I close my eyes as I drop my face down her neck, inhaling her scent. I’m melting into putty. She naturally tilts her face towards mine. I open my eyes, and she’s watching me. I grin as I grind into her, taking her arms and pulling them up. She follows my lead, lacing her fingers into my hair. We dip lower.

Tierra and Tina start dipping in front of us. I open my eyes again as we move back up. Maria is on her way the tray of shooters. Bodies are moving all around us. I don’t want to break her trance. She’s lost in my hair, twirling those wonderful fingers in it and swaying against me.

Tierra sees Maria and hoots, breaking Amelia away. I grin as she grabs my hand. “Take a purple one,” I yell in her ear over the music. She grins as she grabs it. Then I laugh as she grabs another one, double fisting it. Tina and Tierra totally approve of her choice. On the count of three we all toss our shooters. Gerry wraps his hands around Amelia’s tight waist. “Go ahead shoot it.” Marcus grabs two more shooters and I tell Maria to bring another tray. Amelia needs some drinks.

She laughs as she licks her finger. She lost a little over the rim on the last shot. God she’s beautiful. We all start dancing as a group, moving to the music. Marcus goes down her front as Gerry goes down mine. Tina wraps her arms around Marcus from behind as he comes back up. Amelia works it down. Tierra turns and shakes her ass against my back, moving up and down.

I turn around as I see some prick rocking his hips against Amelia from behind. She’s not paying attention; her eyes are closed. His hands pull at her hips and she freezes when she opens her eyes, realizing a complete douche is trying to dance with her. I walk over and give him a look and pull her against me. She grins, relaxing in my arms. Maria appears with another tray of shooters.

We all shoot again on three. The music slows for a song. I wrap her in my arms, pulling her against my chest. Tierra wraps around her, Tina around me. We’re all swaying, and Tierra and Amelia are laughing. This is what it would be like if she was mine. She feels amazing in my arms. I’m lost.

Tierra pulls her away from me breaking my trance. “We’re going to the ladies’ room.”

“Right, meet me back at my VIP booth. I’ll check on the guys.” I make my way through the crowd. Andy and Michael have already moved Eric to the VIP booth. He’s nursing his beer. “The girls are in the ladies’,” I tell them as I sit down.

Maria brings me another gin. Marcus and Gerry join me. Maria returns again, this time with a round of drinks. My eyes stroll over Amelia’s body as I see her moving through the crowd. I grab my drink and casually start listening to Eric and Michael talk about the club plans.

“What’re your thoughts?” I ask Michael. I see Eric grin as the ladies approach. He reaches out for Amelia to sit next to him. Our eyes meet as she slides beside him. I let my eyes troll the crowd, tapping my fingers on the table to the music. I can see him in my peripheral vision trying to cuddle her.

“Don’t get too cozy,” Tierra warns as she grins at Amelia. “We still got more dancing.”

“And drinks,” I add, sliding her cosmo over to her. She downs it fast. We’re grinning at each other. Maria returns with another one. I need to give her a bonus on her next check.

“Ah hell girl.” Gerry smirks. “You have a lioness inside you.” He playfully growls at her. I laugh, watching her smirk as she sips her cosmo. She’s having a blast. Eric seems to be relaxing.

Gerry leans in and whispers, “You got it bad.” I look at him. He grins with a nod. I don’t deny shit. I sip my drink as I troll the floor. She’s by far the sexiest woman here. Tierra catches my attention with the mention of body shots.

Tierra orders a round, “Hey Maria, a round of tequila shots.” I watch Amelia, she’s not going to care for tequila. I can’t hear what Eric is telling her. She’s nodding. Damn, I hope they’re not about to leave. I want more time.

Tierra grabs the tequila shots, passing them around. I grab mine with a lime. “Here, Amelia.” She gives her a shot. “Take this lime.” Amelia is sitting there holding her tequila and lime.

“Body tequila.” Amelia laughs as she looks at her.

“Girl, you never done a lover’s body shot?”

Amelia shakes her head. “I’ve never had a shot of tequila period,” she yells over the music. She’s going to hate it. I laugh on the inside; I can’t wait to see her face.

“Watch baby girl, this is how it’s done.” Tierra stands up and grabs Andy. She licks his neck, he licks her neck, they take the shot together, they bite their limes, and then she plants one on him. “That’s all there is to it. Who’s next?”

Michael grabs his and Tina. I watch Amelia as she’s amazed by this game. I can see it in her face. She’s talking to Eric. He’s shaking his head. She purses her lips as she looks at her shot. Marcus and Gerry goes next. Eric looks away. It pisses me the fuck off.

“Amelia, Eric” I say. “You guys doing it?”

“Eric doesn’t drink tequila,” Amelia yells over the music.

“What about you?” I yell back. All eyes are on us now at the table. She shrugs. Tina and Tierra are totally wanting her to do the shot. She looks at Eric, he tells her go ahead. She looks confused, I watch her ask him. He nods as he grabs his beer.

She stands up and grabs her tequila. “Get up,” she tells me. The table starts cheering and laughing. I’m fucking floored, does that fucktard think I’m not going in for the kiss? He’s sadly mistaken, but he’s watching. I smirk and grab my tequila.

“You ready?” I ask her. I don’t know if everyone got quiet to see if she does it or if I was in the zone with her. Our eyes are pinned, she wraps her fingers around the back of my head and I follow suit. I think she’s going to chicken out. I can feel her breath on my neck; my heart is pounding. Then she licks me. Her fucking smooth ass tongue slides softly and delicately across my neck. I’m instantly hard. I growl deep in my throat and suck her neck. We lean back at the same time and toss the shot.

My eyes are glued on her. She just turned me the fuck on, big time. I laugh as her face scrunches up. “Lime,” I remind her. She quickly bites it. The table hoots and cheers her for doing it. Eric snatches her back before the kiss, and plants his mouth on hers. Damn!
