Page 9 of Captivated

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“Ah shit, he’s got that look.” Gerry laughs as he sips his martini. “He’s on the prowl for some ass.”

I laugh. “Ass you say,” smirking I tease him, “I wouldn’t call it ass in my case. But yes, I am looking for some …” I pause, looking at Tierra, “something.”

“Pussy,” Tierra screams over the music, “call it what it is.” I flinch at the sound of that word. It’s pretty vulgar sounding, but some women get turned on using it during dirty talk. “What’s that face about? You don’t call it pussy?”

“No.” I smirk. “Well, maybe in the right setting.” I take a sip of my gin looking at Marcus and Gerry. “Andy, why don’t you take that sexy wife of yours to dance?”

“Come on sexy.” Tierra pulls Andy with her. She can dance circles around him, but he’s a good sport and attempts to show her a good time.

“That’s one odd relationship.” Marcus smirks as he watches the two of them on the dance floor.

“She’s bat ass crazy wild and our dear ole boy Andy is about as uptight and straight arrow as they come,” Gerry chimes in.

“Crazy and sane works,” I surmise. “They met before she went all model brain crazy. That’s why I don’t date models.”

“Honey, you don’t date anyone,” Gerry corrects me.

I toast my drink at him. “Well noted. That’s why I don’t fuck models. Plus I like real tits and some curves.”

“Like that one.” I follow Marcus’s direction. “She’s all kinds of fine. And I am gay.”

I laugh as I watch her wiggle and move with her girlfriends. That purple fitted dress shows her curves and glimpses of her tits. “I need to see her face,” I comment as I wait for her to turn toward our direction.

“Why does that matter? Not like you’re going to see her in the light of day.” Gerry laughs as he watches her dance. “She’s got some moves.”

“Don’t worry about telling this one I’m out of town in the morning.” I grin as I down my drink, standing.

“Why, you thinking she might be worth a second hit?” Gerry looks surprised.

“Nope, I have no intentions of giving her my contact information; I can be a royal ass the morning after. Catch you two later.” I stride off to claim my companion for the evening.

I move my hips in rhythm to the music, gently touching her hips with my fingertips. Cautious, yet deliberately letting her know she’s caught my attention. She turns around.Her eyes are blue, perfect. Her grin widens, showing me her perfect white teeth. It’s on. I pull her tighter against my body. We grind to the rhythm that fills my bar; she doesn’t have a clue she’s dancing with the owner.

Her fine, tight-ass body flexes beneath my big hands. I drop my face down to her neck. Her scent is erotic, shooting desire straight to my cock. She turns in my arms when a slow song blares across the speakers.

“What’s your name?”

“Quinton. Yours?” I press her hips tighter against me as we move.

“Holly.” She lays her head on my chest. Damn her hair smells good.

“You here with anyone?” I ask, leaning back to look at her face. She nods towards a table of girls. I laugh showing her my perfect teeth. “Well, let me buy you all a drink.” She nods as she grabs my hands, leading me to their table. “Hello ladies.”

I get hit with sexy smiles from all of them. “This is Quinton,” she announces me like she’s the leader of their pack. She scoots in the booth, pulling me with her.Shit, I’m not use to that much directness. I play along. The waitress comes to the table immediately when I throw up my hand. “A round of whatever the ladies would like.” She smiles as she takes their orders. I look back at Holly, my next conquest.

“Where’s your wingman?” a feisty redhead blurts out. Holly rolls her eyes.

“I don’t need one.” I laugh. It’s the truth. I catch a glimpse of Marcus and Gerry dancing and keeping their eyes on me. “What brings you ladies out tonight?”

“What brings you out?” The feisty redhead is sort of annoying.

“I asked you first,” I growl.

Holly crosses her legs, moving closer to me. “Sabrina drop the shit; leave him alone.” Her friend rolls her eyes, grabbing her drink stomping off. “Sorry,” she says, looking down, “she’s just being protective.” Great one of those … I don’t let on, just sip my drink, giving her my undivided attention.

“Ignore her, we do,” her other friend chimes in. “You are some kind of fine!” I laugh. Holly grins, somewhat embarrassed.

“Thanks.” I drop my sexiest smile as I flag the waitress for another round of drinks. “I must say this table has the hottest ladies of the night,” I say, looking back at Holly. God that has to be the cheesiest pickup line ever.Not my best moment. I hate small talk. I need to get the deal rolling before I get bored. “Shots?”
