Page 70 of Dangerous Chaos

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Ayelish and Rainy followed Langley to two waiting vehicles, but Rainy was too busy watching Killion. He looked up, locked in her stare, and the anger in his eyes transformed to something softer, something sweet… he still cared. When her mouth quirked in a barely-there smile, it was like he remembered why he was so angry, and the fury in his stare returned. When his eyes dropped to her belly, she laid a hand across it and fought the urge to run to him and explain everything. But time was of the essence so that would have to wait. It would all have to wait because they were too close to the finish line and the start of forever.


“It’s okay, Rainy,”Ayelish said as they drove into town. “It’s going to be.”

Rainy looked down at her belly as she rubbed it. “I hope so. I don’t want to do this without him.”

“You won’t.” Ayelish snorted. “If I know my brother, he’s already running through all the things he needs to prepare for this baby. You know he does a mommy and me gathering in the building every month?”

Rainy burst into laughter. “I remember him telling me that. He’s a certified doula, right? I remember something about learning everything he needed to know about babies, toddlers, motherhood, parenting… He wanted to be a support system and prepared should there ever be a need.”

“Killion cares deeply. Even when he doesn’t show it or it doesn’t seem like he’s capable… that guy loves hard. As the family started taking husbands, wives, and significant others, babies were the natural next step. Killion did with that what he does with everything. Became an expert.” Ayelish laughed. “He even bought one of those ultrasound machines for the medical suite… and not only knows how to use it but also how to interpret what’s on the screen.”

“He’s special,” Rainy said. “He refers to himself as quirky, but I think I love that most about him. It’s always from a good place.”

“Love, huh?” Ayelish grinned.

“Oh, you know what I mean.” Rainy was quick to clean up what she’d said and not reveal too much.

“I do. It’s hard not to love that guy. He’s truly one of a kind, special.”

“He is,” she said under her breath and looked out the window. “He really is. Hey, where are we?”

“I’m… not sure. I’ve been following Langley, figured this was a diversion route just in case we picked up a tail.” Ayelish quickly turned on her comms and listened in. “Oh shit.”

Rainy straightened. “What? What is it?”

“Dammit!” she yelled. “Hold on.”

Ayelish yanked the steering wheel to the right, heading down a different street to get away from Pete.

“Ayelish, what the hell is going on?” Rainy cried.

“He’s gone rogue. Langley’s the damn threat,” Ayelish said, watching Langley pick up momentum behind them. “The team is on the way. I hear them over the comms. We’ll be fine. They’re coming. They’re coming.”

Ayelish made another harsh and last-minute turn, left this time. She quickly fumbled with the wire to her comms and turned on the mic so she could talk to the team on the other end.

“Wit, stand down. You’re the one he wants.” Ayelish warned while tapping at the dash screen until the comms played through the speakers of the SUV they were in. “He’s using Rainy and me. You and Hen…”

“No way. Not this time,” Wit fired back. “You’re my whole life, Aye. This guy doesn’t get to fuck with that. I finally have it, Aye. I finally have everything. I’m comin’ for ya, darlin’, and there ain’t no stopping me.”

“Wit, she’s right.” Killion came through the comms. “Let us do this for you, man. Let us finish what we started. You need to stand down. Please fucking stand down. We’re almost to the finish line, remember? You and Hen, fall back now. I’m not letting this go down like this.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t.” Wit was as calm as could be. “I can’t stop. I won’t. That’s my family, man.”

“Wit, don’t,” Rainy cried. “Please you two stay safe. He won’t hurt me or Aye. He needs us if he’s going to get what he wants from the two of you.”

“Listen to your sister and your lady, Wit,” Langley said through the comms. “You can end all of this. You know what I’m referring to.”

“Not a fucking chance,” Wit fired back. “I’m comin’ for ya, Langley. And when I catch you, I’m gonna kill you.”

“I’m a federal agent. Good luck with that.” Pete laughed. “I already have your arrest warrant in the works, and your bastard brother too. But I can make it all go away.”

Ayelish made a series of defensive turns into a more populated area, where there were other cars to slow Langley down while she found a route back to the team.

She looked at Rainy and whispered, “I’m running him right back into the lion’s den. Hang on. It’s almost over.”

“Why are you doing this, Langley? You’re out. Everyone will know it was you,” Ayelish asked.

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