Page 74 of Dangerous Chaos

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“I thought the same thing,” Hen said. “We need a detail on this place.”

“I’ll call it in. I’m sure the O’Reillys will put some of the newer recruits on it. It’s good, long, boring training.”

“Good. I think we’ll all feel a little better and be able to focus on our loved ones if someone else stands guard.”

“Where’re you headed right now?” Wit asked.

“Just checkin’ on Ash. She’s next door with Aye.”

Wit nodded. “I was just headed in there. I’ll take over. You guys hang with Rainy?”

“Of course,” Hen said. “If you want time with Rainy, just holler, and we’ll switch.”

Wit chuckled. “We’ll tag team this thing. She any better? Anything new?”

“Nothin’, man. Not a damn thing. Doc says it’s early, though, and she has a lot of healin’ ahead of her so not to expect much for several days. She needs to heal from the accident and havin’ them babies.”

“Can you believe all this?” Wit asked.

“Honestly, yeah. I can. This is our life. Always had been. The hard road to happiness is sort of our mantra, Wit. In case you hadn’t noticed.”

“Oh, I noticed.” He laughed. “Hopefully, the hard road comes to pass soon, and we get to take an easier route from here on out.”

“From your lips to God’s ears, brother.” Hen patted his brother’s shoulder. “Go be with Ayelish. We’ll check in with Killion in a little bit.”

Wit nodded and turned to Ayelish’s room where he found Ashlyn reclined in a chair next to her sister, sleeping. She stirred awake when she sensed his approach, quick to be on guard.

“Oh. Wit.” She stretched, looking over at her sleeping sister. “I guess I fell asleep.”

“Good. You need rest, Ash. You’ve got a bun in the oven. That’s a lot of work,” Wit said, taking to Ayelish’s side. “Anything new while I was down with Killion?”

Ashlyn stood. “First… You ever refer to my child as a bun in the oven again, and I’ll break your kneecaps. It sounds… gross. And maybe creepy.”

Wit snickered. “Noted. No buns and no ovens.”

“Thank you for not being a weirdo,” she said, moving to the foot of Ayelish’s bed to tuck her blankets in. “And no… nothing new. Doctor said she just needs time now. Lots of rest. That boot print on the side of her face and head is their biggest concern at the moment, but there’s not enough swelling to be too concerned. We just… hurry up and wait, I guess. Killion?”

“No change. He’s really goin’ through it. I think the emotions are kind of a new gig for him.” Wit smiled. “Blames himself.”

“Of course, he does.” She sighed. “I knew he would. He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, always has. He’ll come around and figure it out. He just needs time too. I’ll head down there in a bit and check on him. We just need to rally around him and those babies.”

“What do you think will happen… with him and Rainy?”

Ashlyn smiled. “Nothing and everything. If I know my brother, and I think I do, he’s trying to figure out a plan to make it all work. You saw him at the scene. He was devastated. It just takes him a minute to process the feelings and what they mean. Social cues and emotions aren’t his strong suit. He won’t abandon her, Wit. He’ll love her. I think he already does, and that’s why he seems so angry. He’s really just confused. This kind of love is different than loving a family member or good friend. This is… the forever kind, and it’s different.”

“I suppose you’re right. I just wish I could fix it. All of it. Make it easier… but healing is hard,” Wit said. “So damn hard.”

“And that’s what we all need to do. Heal. A lot. And we will.” She smiled as she leaned in and offered him a side hug. “I’ll be next door if you need me, okay? Take care of her.”

“I will.” Wit stared at Ayelish lying in her hospital bed surrounded by machines and didn’t see Ashlyn leave, just heard the door close behind her.

He took the chair next to Ayelish’s bed and gently held her hand in his and rested his head against it.

“Is she gone?” Ayelish whispered, causing Wit to jump.

He clutched his chest with his free hand. “Good lordy girl, you scared the wicked out of me.”

“The what?” She laughed.

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