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She strokes my hand. “I’m sure he has had a rethink by now and is probably trying to reach you. Why don’t you turn on your phone? Your colleagues must be worried about you.”

I shudder a little at the thought of talking to Susan or Jackie. I don’t know if they believed the text message I sent them about returning home to take care of my mom. They deserve to know the truth, but I have no idea how they’ll see me now that I, too, was sleeping with the boss. That is, if Linda spoke the truth. I don’t know what to believe anymore.

A part of me wants to forget about them and my time in New York.

“There’s no hurry, though.” My mom’s words cut into my thoughts. “Take all the time you need before you reach out to them, but I want you to stop crying and feeling sorry for yourself.” She cups my cheek. “You’ve always faced challenges head-on, regardless of how insurmountable they look. You’re strong. This, too, will pass.”

I sniff and nod, thankful I came home. Mom knows how to put a smile on my face, even when I’m in the pits.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“You’re welcome, honey. Drink your coffee before it gets cold. When you’re good and ready, come on out. Let’s have breakfast.”

I nod again. She pats my cheek before rising and leaving the room. I resist the urge to call her back to hold me until the pain leaves my chest. But I’m not a little girl anymore who cries in her mother’s arms when she has a fight with her best friend or sleeps in her bed when she has a nightmare.

The memory of Gareth accusing me of trying to tie him down with pregnancy flashes through my mind, and I struggle to hold back my tears. I still can’t believe that after everything we’ve shared together, he’d accuse me like that.

I sip from my coffee and sigh as warmth fills me. Mom is right. I can’t shut out the world simply because I got burned. Reaching out to my bedside table where my phone has been charging since I arrived in Wyoming, I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. I turn on the phone and continue sipping from my cup of coffee as multiple beeps fill the room. A hesitant smile curves my lips. They must be really worried about me. However, my smile disappears when I pick up the phone and read the messages.

How could you have done this to Gareth, Hailey?

You’re a bitch! I hate you.

So you were fucking our boss.

Not cool to kiss and tell, Hailey!

Gasping, I read through the first set of messages and chats, my palms becoming clammy as I try to make sense of it all.

What in the world is going on?

As I continue to read more messages from people I don't even know, my confusion only deepens.

"How did they find out about my relationship with Gareth?" I say to myself, feeling a rising sense of panic. My name is linked with Hunter, the despicable journalist, and I'm more lost than ever.

My hand shakes as I dial Jackie’s number. She doesn’t pick up. Despite the icy weather, perspiration beads on my forehead. What do I do? I dial Susan’s number.

“You have some nerve calling me after what you did.” Her voice sounds like icicles.

“Susan, please. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh? Feigning innocence is how you want to go about this instead of admitting to it?”

“Susan, I swear to you that I don’t know what’s going on. I just turned on my phone and saw confusing messages.”

“I thought we were friends. You should have come to me instead of going to Hunter. But why, Hailey? Why did you have to be so vengeful? I understand that Gareth denying your pregnancy is heartbreaking but taking it to the press was overdoing it. Especially with Hunter, of all people! I never knew you could be so cruel. You didn’t even consider Amber.”

Every word she says sounds like an explosion in my ears.

What is she talking about? Hunter? How? When? Where?

“Susan, please listen to me,” I cut in when she continues to accuse me of things I know nothing about. “You have to believe me. I didn’t go to Hunter. I would never do that to Gareth. I-I—” Will she believe me if I tell her that I love him?

Oh, Gareth! Tears sting my eyes. He, too, must think I betrayed him. Who could have set me up? Linda? She will do anything to get Gareth back. I should never have listened to her.

“Someone set me up.”

“Oh, please, Hailey. Own up.”
