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“I don’t think Hailey did it. I mean, why would she deny giving the interview? It doesn’t make sense.”

I shrug. “Maybe she came to her senses after it was published. Sometimes people can be vindictive when they are hurt or upset.”

Amber shakes her head. “Hailey doesn’t strike me as the sort who would lose her head like that. I mean, she didn’t retaliate when Mom unfairly tore into her. I think she’s too levelheaded for that.”

I shrug, not liking where the conversation is going. I don’t want to talk about Hailey. The pain in my heart widens at the mention of her name. At the office, everyone knows to stay clear of mentioning her in front of me. But I can’t snap at Amber.

“Maybe she was enticed by the money.”

Amber gives me an incredulous look. “Dad, I’m not that naïve, you know. I’ve put two and two together, and I know Hailey is the woman you talked about the other night. You’re in love with her, that’s why you’re so upset. And judging by how moody… I mean, extra gloomy you’ve been lately, you’re miserable without her.”

Surprise reflects in my eyes as I stare at my daughter. How in the world did she become so worldly?

As if I spoke the question aloud, she giggles and says, “I read a lot of romance novels. I know the signs. And if it’s any consolation, I think Hailey feels… or felt, the same way about you. I mean, she tried holding back in talking about you, but I saw how her eyes lit up whenever you joined us.”

Gareth, I love you. I love you so much.

My body hardens at the memory of Hailey professing her love for me. At that time, I was disgusted that she would try to manipulate me with those words.

When you find out the truth, don’t come looking for me.

Trepidation shoots through me. What if Amber is right? Have I allowed my emotions to cloud my senses in looking at things critically? Hailey is truly a level-headed person. She wouldn’t do something so drastic and have everyone in her business as well. She wouldn’t jeopardize her career just for revenge. What was I thinking? Hailey, who didn’t read gossip magazines, didn’t even like them, wouldn’t expose her life for all and sundry to read. Whatever she was, she wasn’t a liar. She would have simply apologized for doing it instead of denying it.

Oh my God. What have I done? I have allowed my anger to get the best of me again.

* * *

When I takeAmber home the following day after a sleepless night of deep thinking, I decide to test Linda.

“So, how much did you pay Hunter to ruin my relationship with Hailey?”

Her eyes enlarge like saucers. “What?”

“And how did you gather the intimate information about us?”

“What—what do you mean, Gareth? I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Nodding, I stroll away and get into my car, berating myself for falling into her trap. I recognize this stammer—it's her telltale sign that she's lying or hasn't yet had the chance to put her lies together.

Anger throbs inside me when I get to my office. I instruct Alex to get Hunter on the line and inform him that I want to see him. I have all my meetings canceled. I can’t concentrate on work in the face of this. Pacing my office floor, I wonder what I’ll do if I discover Hailey is innocent.

An hour later, Hunter enters my office with a smug smile. I itch to wipe that smirk away with a well-placed punch, but I control my anger.

“Sit down, Hunter,” I order as I pull out my chair.

Still smirking, he says as he sits, “I hope I’m not here because you want me to print a retraction.” He laughs loudly. “I always knew I would get you someday. I knew that under that cool facade you present to the world is a man whose closet is filled with skeletons. Hard work and patience truly pay.”

My hands ball into fists. “My first inclination was to have you arrested and left to rot in prison, but I decided to use another approach. So, don’t tempt me, Hunter. You and I both know Miss Graham didn’t talk to you.”

The smile is wiped off his face instantaneously. “What are you talking about?”

“Name your price, Hunter. I know men like you. You sell your soul to the highest bidder. So, name your price and tell me who gave you the information about Hailey and me.”

Shifting nervously in his seat, he tries to smile but fails. “You can’t intimidate me, Mr. Payne. I worked hard to get the information.”

“Oh, really?” I lean back in my chair and regard him with a smirk. “Hunter, I assure you that you don’t want to go down this lane with me. Miss Graham didn’t speak to you. All I have to do is call your editor-in-chief, inform him of my suspicions, and threaten to sue the New York Magazine for every damn cent it’s worth.”
