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I race to the bedroom doorway where he is standing. I peer inside but find myself pushed ahead of him. Out of sight of Brad, he presses a quick hot kiss to my lips. He leaves me standing in the middle of the room.

It takes me a few minutes before I can move. I try to convince myself that the past three hours have all been my imagination. But as I undress and feel the tenderness of my pussy, I know it has all been real. I feel an insane desire to hold onto the feeling for as long as possible. So I strip and slide between the sheets. I cup my pussy, wincing slightly at how sensitive I still feel and the wetness that’s still there. My clit begins to tingle. I sigh and roll over feeling no need to act on any feelings. When one tastes whole milk, milk substitutes pale in comparison.

Instead, my thoughts drift to the significance of what happened tonight. I slept, no, had sex with my boss.My boss!What the hell had I been thinking?

“You were thinking about how good a lover he would be and you were right.”

I roll onto my back and stare at the dark ceiling. Not only is he my boss, but technically he is my bodyguard, my protector. And now he is my lover.

I sigh and close my eyes. What a predicament!

Chapter eight


Ihavetoremindmyself that I want to get home in one piece and that I need to ease up off the accelerator. But I drive as though the hordes of hell are after me.

“Fuck!” I slap the steering wheel. “You fucking idiot!”

I sniff and I can still smell Sidney. I feel possessed. And I need an exorcism. I drive along my avenue until I get to my gate. It cannot open quickly enough. As soon as I’m inside the house and have checked and armed the security system, I head upstairs to my room. I stand by the window and look out over the dark yard, seeing nothing. The images of Sidney in my arms replay like a movie in my head. How could I have let that happen? I’m not some horny teenager. I’m a grown ass man of almost forty-six and she is young enough to be my daughter.My daughter. I shudder to think of how I would feel if I did have a daughter and she tangled with someone my age. I would probably use my weapon collection on the bastard.

I close my eyes and lean against the window. I press my hands against the cool glass, forcing myself to breathe. It is so wrong. But damn if it hadn’t felt good. All those months of feeling the pull toward her have finally come to fruition. And I’m scared as hell. Sidney is not going to be a casual fling. The second my lips touched hers I knew that I was in trouble. And when my cock slipped into her – fuck! It felt like heaven. But now, looking at the stark reality of what has just transpired, I feel like hell. And if the truth is to be told, I’ll gladly go to hell for eternity if I can have an evening like this all over again – and again. But it’s not going to happen. As much as I want it to, I have to remind myself that a relationship is not for me. And especially with someone as young as Sidney.

I turn away from the window and undress. I’m halfway to the shower when I stop. I head to bed and slip between the sheets. If I’m not going to have this happen again, the least I can do is console myself knowing that I still bear the scent of her body on mine.


The days and weeks slip by and with them comes an awareness of Sidney in my space. Whenever we are around others, it is business as usual. But the instant we are alone, it is as though both our thoughts go back to that night. It feels like I’m fighting a losing battle, especially when she stares at me with those big green eyes of hers. I’m torn, and it feels like I’m putting myself through deliberate torture. I still pick her up and take her home most days when I could easily task one of my men to do it. It’s always tempting to think of simply taking her to my home for the night. But I pride myself on being as close to the temptation as possible, yet not giving in to the need. However, there is a breaking point coming. It is just a matter of time.

I sit at my desk late one Friday evening a few weeks after Sidney and I had sex. I stare at the couch in the corner, remembering every second of that evening. I take a deep breath as I feel my cock twitch. I haven’t so much as touched myself since that evening. It won’t suffice for the real thing. The reports that I have to go through became secondary as I sigh and rub my hand across my face. There will be no concentrating this evening, especially since the source of my mental turmoil is but a few feet away in her office, waiting for me to take her home. I have just decided to do just that when my door opens. Sidney is standing there.

“Yes?” I look at her questioningly.

“I got an email regarding picking up my handgun?”

“Yes. What about it?”

“I thought we agreed that I’m not getting a gun.” She leans against the doorway and I note the stubborn set to her chin.

“Yousaid you don’t want a gun.Inever agreed to that.” I stand and fold my arms.

“But you made it seem as though you agreed when I said it. I don’t want a gun.”

“You don’t have a choice.” She needs to be protected and able to protect herself at all times. That is not negotiable.

“I think I do.”

“I beg your pardon?” I walk over to her, holding her gaze. She doesn’t even flinch.

“I don’t feel comfortable carrying a weapon, Archer. And I’d prefer not to do so against my will.” She lowers her voice as she speaks and I frown.

“Calm down. And if you don’t, I’ll have to calm you down myself. You do remember that I know how to do just that, don’t you?”

I step into her space and reach behind her to close and lock the door. I lean forward, effectively pressing her between the door and my body. Her unique musk wafts upward and my heart begins to race. Just like that, all my defenses come crashing down.

I lean down and capture her lips, pleased when her mouth opens beneath mine immediately. I search for and find her tongue, suckling it urgently like a dying man. I groan deep in my throat, matching her whimpering moans. Without relinquishing her mouth, I scoop her into my arms. I carry her over to the couch and place her in a seated position. I kneel on the floor and place my hands on her knees meeting her eyes.

“Have you ever been tasted by a real man before?” I growl.

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