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I lean forward conspiratorially, and she leans in as well, “You know how sexy my boss is, right? And remember I told you what went down a few weeks ago?”

“Uh huh…”

“Well, let’s just say I’ve been experiencing a lot of that sexiness again, and again, and again, and you get the picture.” I bite my lip.

Her eyes grow as round as saucers. “You’re still sleeping with Archer!?”

“Well, technically, we haven’t really ‘slept slept’ together in a bed. But he does have a pretty comfortable couch in his office.” I giggle uncontrollably. “And like I said, we have been putting it to good use.”

She exclaims, “Oh my god! I can’t believe you! So, tell me, is he good?”

“Girl! Good is an understatement. All I know is you need to get an older man. They know where to touch and what to do. And when he gives me that tongue of his down there—” Michelle squeals and claps her hand over her mouth, looking around to see if anyone is overhearing our conversation.

She slaps my hand and laughs. “You lucky bitch!”

I wiggle in my seat and laugh. “That, I am! There’s something to be said about old wine. It’s fine. Very fine!”

We laugh and order another round of drinks. Michelle is all smiles.

“You deserve this, Sidney.”

“You don’t think he’s too old for me?” I ask, concerned about what she thinks of the relationship with my boss.

“Age is just a number. And let’s face it, the guys in our age group do leave a lot to be desired. Grant messed you up. Maybe Archer is bringing you back in alignment,” she remarks.

“We’ll see. It could be just an office fling.”

“Does it feel like just an office fling?”

I drop my eyes and look into my drink, then take a sip. I look back at Michelle who is watching me closely. “I honestly don’t know.”

“How do you feel?”

“Truthfully? I thought that I had things under control, but I don’t. Archer and I just can’t seem to I keep our hands off each other. Take last week for instance. I was getting a file for him in the filing room. One thing led to another and before I knew it, my skirt was up around my waist and I was against the wall with my legs wrapped around his waist.”

Her eyes bulge even more as she fans herself. “Wow! Did someone turn the heat up in here or what?”

I smile and take another sip of my drink. “I must admit that Archer is the best lover I’ve ever had. He is not the kind that is all about his own satisfaction. And I cannot believe how responsive my body is to him. All he has to do is look at me and I begin to tingle. But it is more than just sex. And that’s a big part of the problem.”

“Problem? What problem? You’re an attractive woman, he’s an attractive man, and you’ve both hit it off. So what?”

I take a deep breath. “I’m concerned that Archer is old enough to be my father. And it feels so wrong to be involved with him this way, especially since he’s my boss as well. And yet, something else about him makes me feel like we could actually be in a relationship outside of those two things. But we haven’t had so much as a date or anything like that, and it scares me. Suppose he sees me as just a casual fling and when he’s had his fill he’ll toss me aside in favor of a new and improved version?”

“Not on my watch. I’ll have his head if he does any such thing.” Michelle scowls.

“But I have no idea how he feels about me,” I mumble.

“Well, just keep enjoying yourself and allow things to unfold organically.”

“I just hope I can keep my heart out of it.”

“Do you feel that seriously about him?”

I worry my bottom lip before replying, “It’s been a few months, Michelle. And every time we’re together, it just feels so right. He knows just how to please me. But a relationship is not just sex. And that’s what scares me. We haven’t even so much as spent the night together. I don’t see him outside of the office at all.”

Michelle takes a deep breath. “Play it by ear, hon. Enjoy the ride. And I’m sure he gives you a good ride, right?”

I cannot help but giggle. I clear my throat. “Excuse me, hon. These drinks need to move on to their next destination. Be right back.”
