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“Stay there.”

My mind goes blank as I try not to think about anything except getting to Sidney. A few minutes later, I come to a screeching halt in front of the club. I jump out of my car.

“Hey, buddy! You can’t park there!”

“Official security business.”

I sprint inside and am immediately inundated by a throng of people. I zero in on a wall on the far end which I assume leads to a corridor and the restrooms. I push my way through and run into a bouncer.

“No entry.” The bouncer stops me.

“I’m picking someone up.” I fight the urge to push him out of the way, but sometimes taking thirty seconds to answer questions saves me hours of trouble, and I can’t afford any trouble right now. I need to get to Sidney as soon as possible. I need to see if she is okay.

“Let’s see some ID.”

“I’m Archer Colleymore. I’m the bodyguard for a young lady who was attacked tonight.”

“Did you say Colleymore?”


“Right this way.”

I follow the man, and together, we burst into the restroom. I find Michelle leaning over Sidney who is sitting on the floor rocking back and forth. I’m instantly beside Sidney. I lift her into my arms and kiss her forehead.

“I’ve got you, sweetheart. I’ve got you,” I whisper.

“I-I-I’m sorry! I’m s-s-so sorryyyyyyy!” she sobs.

“It’s okay, love. Let’s go.” I run my hand through her hair soothingly and help her up. I carry her in my arms.

Michelle steps ahead of us and basically cuts a path through the crowd. Sidney is shaking like a leaf in my arms. We step outside and I get her into the car and strap her in. I turn to Michelle. “Get in. I’ll take you home.”

She gets in obediently and gives me directions. The car is silent except for Sidney sobbing softly beside me. I look in the rear-view mirror and find Michelle staring at me.

“What happened?” I demand, trying my best to keep my anger out of my voice, but some of it still laces my tone.

“Please don’t be mad at her. She just wanted some space.”

I measure my words carefully with a deadly edge to them. “What happened?”

“We decided to go clubbing.”

“Where’s her guard? What happened to him? Is he hurt? Who is it?”

“She, she kinda slipped away from him.”

I clench my fingers around the stirring wheel. As soon as I’m able, I’m going to check the roster to see who’s assigned to Sidney tonight. Someone’s head is going to roll.

“What happened at the club?”

Michelle takes a deep breath. “I’m not quite sure. But it seems to be a repeat of Spike demanding his money.”

“Did he touch you, Sidney?” I look at her tear-stained profile.

“H-H-He said – H-H-He said that i-i-if I couldn’t g-g-get the money, h-h-he could take it out in o-o-o-other—” She hugs herself tightly and dissolves into hysterical sobbing once more.

I have heard enough. Michelle continues to give me directions to her apartment, and we soon pull into the parking lot.
