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“Come.” He takes my hand, and again, I follow obediently. I feel strangely calm now despite the evening’s turn of events. He places me at the foot of the stairs and I begin to ascend, conscious of him behind me.

We enter a large room and I immediately feel my heart begin to race. This is Archer’s domain. We cross the floor and enter another room. My nostrils tickle as I’m assailed by his scent.

“Take a shower,” he says before turning around and walking out. Beyond, I see him leave the bedroom as well. I stare at the doorway for a few moments before undressing. I leave my clothing on the back of the door hook and step into the cubicle. I put my hair into a messy bun before I turn on the faucet. I set the temperature and get caught up in the luxurious experience of having nozzles shooting at me from all directions. I find a setting I like and soon lather my body. As I shower, I scrub every part hard, willing the scrubbing to erase Spike’s touch. At the thought of him, I shudder.

I rinse my body and reach for the towel on the rod outside the door. It is slightly damp and I sniff it. Archer. I feel warm and cozy as I take deep calming breaths. I look at the hook where I had hung my clothing and am surprised to find that they’re gone. In their place is an oversized T-shirt. I remove the towel and slip on the T-shirt.

I step into the bedroom and find it empty. But on the trunk at the foot of the bed, there is a covered tray. I’m drawn to it by the smell. I lift the cover to find a grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of water. My stomach growls in response and I’m halfway through the sandwich before I come up for air. There’s a bit of spiciness about it, so I take a drink of water. I finish the sandwich and water just as Archer returns. I look at him as he removes the tray and places it on a low table beside the window.

Without a word, he pulls back the sheets and says, “Get in.”

I stand but my feet feel as though they are disconnected from my body and I wobble. Actually, my entire body feels woozy. I wonder if I’m in shock from what had happened earlier. As soon as I slide between the sheets, my eyes feel unbelievably heavy. I watch as he closes the bedroom door and arms the security. He pulls off his T-shirt and takes his gun from his waist as he walks over to the bed. He sees me watching him and holds my gaze. I search his eyes for something but I come up empty. He places the gun on the night table within reach before taking off his sweatpants. He is clad in a pair of boxers.

Archer slides into bed beside me. He flicks a switch somewhere by the night table and the entire room is plunged into darkness.

“Archer?” I mumble and bite my lip between my teeth.

“Sleep, Sidney.” He slides to the center of the bed, where I am, and pulls me into his arms. I allow him to pull me slightly atop him so that I can rest my head on his chest. I yawn widely as I feel his fingers undo my hair. He combs through the strands, and I can barely keep my eyes open. I want to stay awake, but it is a hard fight. I yawn again and I hear him sigh above my head.

“Stop fighting, Sidney. Go to sleep.”

“But we need to talk, please.”

He kisses my forehead gently. “In the morning.”

The soothing strokes of his hands finally work their magic, and I slip into slumber.

It's much later into the night when I move restlessly. I feel my leg touch another and I’m instantly awake. My eyes fly open and I look beyond the window to find a sky tinged with pink with the impending dawn. I try to roll over and feel a hand come over to still my movements. I look up and find Archer looking down at me. Last night comes rushing back and I feel my cheeks stain with color. He reaches out and rubs one with the back of his fingers.

“Hey,” he whispers.

I take his hand in mine and lean to kiss him softly. “I’m sorry.”

“I know. But we’ll fix it. Trust me, okay?”

I nod silently and take a deep breath as desire begins to run through me at the realization that I’m in Archer’s bed. Our thoughts seem to be one and the same as he lowers his head to capture my lips. There is a hunger between us that cannot be ignored, and before I know it Archer’s head is buried between my spread-eagled legs.

“Ahh!” I close my eyes as I buck up to meet his pressing tongue. I grab handfuls of the bedsheet as pleasure rocks me and my body begins to shake.

“Ahhhhhh! Archer!” My head thrashes back and forth as he licks my pussy mercilessly. My clit is on fire as he rubs it hard. I arch up to meet him one last time as my climax crashes over me. I sob as I struggle to breathe.

Archer slowly moves up my body, kissing a line along my stomach and up between my breasts. When he reaches my lips and takes possession of my mouth, I moan as I taste myself on his tongue. He wedges his body between mine and I feel him tremble as he reaches between us to grip his throbbing erection. I reach for him as well, and together we join our bodies. I lift my legs to wrap familiarly around his waist as he presses into me, groaning and trembling. This feels like no other time. Tears come to my eyes as our bodies find synchronization. He holds me close as we begin to move harder and faster. My body falls apart as he drives his cock into me. And I explode. He is not far behind and moans above me as he loses control. For the first time, I feel Archer shudder uncontrollably, gasping for air as he pours himself into me. He holds me tightly as if he’ll never let me go, burying his face in my neck. I hold him, stroking his hair as he continues to tremble in my embrace. His warm breath on my face soothes me as his lips find mine once again. His tongue is soft as it slides against mine. His shaft within me is still hot and hard and it stirs. I groan as he shifts his hips and begins to move within me once more.

This moment is surreal, almost magical. It feels like we are on a level we have never transcended. Archer holds me tighter still. And I don’t ever want him to let me go.

In the still of the early morning, our voices ring out with ecstasy. I’m hoarse with my screams of passion. There is a certain freedom in knowing there are no limits and boundaries to our lovemaking. This time, there will be no getting dressed and going home. There are no hushed climaxes in fear of being overheard. There is no time limit as we cling to each other. For the first time, I’m in Archer’s bed. I slept through the night in his arms. Tears come to my eyes as my heart fills with emotions for this man holding me, making love to me. I allow my body to say what I dare not even think of verbalizing. We flow as one. And as I urge him on, giving as he takes, taking as he gives, I wish it could be like this forever. And in that moment as we both shoot for the stars, it feels like forever.

The sun has completely risen as I lie in his arms. He strokes my back and I stroke his chest. We have been lost in thought for the past hour or two. Admittedly, I have dozed off a few times during those hours. But I know he is wide awake and staring at the ceiling. Somehow, I don’t want to break the silence for fear it’ll break the magic. He clears his throat and I look up to find him staring at me with those mesmerizing gray eyes.

“Did you sleep well?” His voice is raspy.

I blink before answering. “If you mean before you had your wild way with me, I did.


I reach up and kiss his lips gently, then pull back. I stroke a lock of hair away from his forehead. “Thank you for coming for me, Archer.”

“You shouldn’t have been there in the first place, you know?”
