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IwakebeforeSidneyas usual. It’s hard to believe that two weeks have passed since she agreed to move in with me. We decided to make it gradual and start with just a few pieces of clothing. Her other things are in the apartment as her lease is up at the end of the year. By then, we’ll have made the move complete.

I play absentmindedly with her hair as I watch the sky lighten with the coming sunrise. I look at the ceiling and feel a sense of peace sweep over me. It has been decades since I felt this peaceful with a woman in my arms.

After the nightclub incident and taking disciplinary action with Ben, it has been obvious to the office that Sidney’s living arrangements have changed. For starters, there are no guards assigned to her apartment. And the icing on the cake is her arriving and leaving with me each day. But the nine-day wonder at the office has ended and we are discreet with our relationship. There were a few speculative looks during the first week. But now, it is business as usual. And home has been spectacular. And it hasn’t all been about sex. Outside of our physical relationship, we have started to discover things about each other. For example, I learned she can’t fall asleep without covering her feet. It could be a sheet or a pair of socks. But her feet have to be covered. I also found out that she is tone deaf and can’t hold a note to save her life. She, on the other hand, has discovered that I’m a bit of a chess geek. I have taken great pleasure in explaining the basics of the game and find her to be a satisfactory student.

She stirs and I look at her. Her eyes are still closed, the long, thick lashes lying on her upper cheek. I allow my imagination to run wild for a moment. It runs in the direction of her left hand and I imagine my ring there, announcing to the world that she is mine. It continues to race and I see a perfect blend of us both, nestled in her arms and suckling her breast. I see us on family vacations. Perhaps with her by my side, I can finally get out of the city more and relax. I’ll be turning forty-six in December and I’m pleased to know that Sidney’s birthday is a week before mine. I plan for us both to take a vacation, perhaps to Hawaii. Maybe we’ll spend the Christmas holidays there as well. As long as we are together, nothing else will matter. I feel as though my life has taken a turn for the better. Perhaps my penance for the mistakes I made with my first family have been paid and the powers that be have seen fit to give me a second chance. Whatever the reason Sidney has been allowed into my life, I’m not going to fuck around and mess it up.

“Mmmmmm." She stretches and slaps me in the face. I grab her wayward hand and bite her fingers gently.

“Ow,” she moans.

“You slapped me.”

“Good morning.” She looks at me with sleepy eyes and I smile.

“Good morning. Sleep well?”

“Very well. What time is it?”

“About eight-ish.”

“Wow. You are bad for me, you know? I never used to get up this late on a Saturday morning.”

“The blame is mutual. Usually, I’ve already done a ten-mile jog, pumped some iron, and had my protein shake before the sun even begins to show. But I had this woman sleeping on my chest and I don't want to disturb her rest.”

She reaches up and caresses my cheek before sitting up beside me. I grab her hand as she swings her feet to the floor.

“Whoa! Where are you going?”

“Well, unless you want a wet bed I suggest you let me go and take care of nature.”

“Hurry back. After you take care of yourself in there, maybe we can take care of each other in here.” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively and palm my cock through the sheet. She laughs as she gets out of bed.

“You dirty old man.”

I laugh. “I may be a dirty old man, but you love what this dirty old man does to your sweet young body, don’t you?” I sit up and swat her bare bottom. She yelps and I watch as she runs to the bathroom.

My smile is a mile wide as I get out of bed and pull on a pair of sweats. By the time she returns, I have stripped the bed and have new sheets out of the closet. She pulls on an oversized T-shirt, and we make the bed together. I follow her downstairs with the laundry hamper and assist with loading it.

“I can do it, Archer.”

“I know. But I want to help. You are so independent.”

“You become independent when you have no one you can depend on.”

“So, I take it your ex was a—?”

“Freeloading junkie. He charmed his way into my life, but then the prince became a frog again.”

“I guess he gave us a bad rap, huh. I hope I can make up for everything you didn’t have with him.”

She turns and hugs me. “You have more than made up for the failings I have experienced with your gender. But I don't blame him if the truth is to be told. I blame his deadbeat father. He ran out on him and his mother. With a start like that as a child, it is rather difficult to grow into a well-rounded adult, you know? Now, if he’d had a father like you—”

“Hell no! If he had been my son where would that leave you and me? It would be awkward to have me lusting after my son’s girlfriend, don’t you think?” I make a face.

“I’m just saying, a father like you could have taught him a thing or two about relationships and life.”

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