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There is nothing but silence and his heavy breathing for a while. Then he explodes.

“Go to hell, you fucking bastard! I knew you wouldn’t help me. I knew you were worthless. You’ve never been there for me when I needed you! Well, fuck you very much for nothing.”

The line goes silent as he cuts me off. I sit staring in silence for a while. I feel the weight of my years, and the lightness of being out with Sidney dissipates. I remember this morning when she said she was proud of me. I wonder how proud she would be if she knew about him.

I randomly check the windows and doors, though I have already locked the house. I stop in the kitchen and accidentally kick the box I placed there earlier. I look down and spot a frame just beneath the one on top. I pull it out and my heart sinks. It is a family photo collage with various pictures and our names. I know if I dig deeper, I’ll find others in various stages of our lives. I find the one that I cherish most. My son’s high school graduation picture that Rebecca had sent. I don’t know how she had gotten him to sign it but he had. I trace the innocent face and feel a weight in my heart.

“Archer?” Sidney’s voice floats down to me.

“Coming, sweetheart.” I place the picture back in the box and head upstairs.

Chapter thirteen


Iracebacktobed as I hear him coming up the stairs. I lay across it and look at the door, hardly daring to breathe at my boldness. He comes into view and I smile, my heart pounding wildly. He stops and stares for a brief second. Then he smiles. He walks over to the bed slowly and sits. He reaches out a hand and trails it across my breast and then down my stomach. My center begins to grow wet with anticipation as his hand creeps down to my mound. I reach up and pull him in for a kiss as he strokes me. My legs open as though they have a mind of their own. He pulls back and I watch him undress, his eyes roving over my body. I wiggle to the center of the bed and sit up on my knees, waiting for him to join me. when at last he is as naked as I am, he comes to me. Our mouths meet and fuse. I feel him harden against me and I can think of nothing more than having him inside me. He pulls back and says gruffly, “Turn around.”

Obediently, I turn. He pushes my torso forward until I’m on my hands and knees. He continues to push me until my breasts press into the bed and my butt is sticking in the air. He slaps it gently and I giggle. “Ow!”

“Liar. Close your eyes.”

I do as I’m told, breathing deeply. He nudges my knees apart. I feel the warmth from his breath as he kisses down my spine. I shiver as he plants little bites on my fleshy ass. Then I feel his tongue glide along my slit. I curl my fingers and toes, expelling a shaky breath as he licks me. My pussy trembles with each glide of his tongue. He knows just how to please me. I’m close to peaking when he finally moves away. I protest softly and he laughs.


He grips my hips and nudges my knees apart even further. Then I feel his cock nudge at my core. I hold my breath, letting it out on a whimper as he slides home. He thrusts slowly, pulling me back to meet him each time. Having my eyes closed heightens the sensation. I focus all my senses on this experience. Archer moves up to crouch over me, laying his torso flat against my back. He wraps one arm under my breasts while the other cups my mound. With unfailing accuracy, he finds my clit between my engorged lips. With one flick of his thumb, electricity shoots through my body. I jerk spasmodically, pushing against him in every way as I seek relief from the mounting tension in my body. He continues to press into me, stroking me in every possible delicious way. A sob escapes me as my body goes tight like a string pulled tautly. Then he presses once more and rubs my clit hard and I fall apart.

I feel my juices run down my thighs as I climax hard. My mouth is open but no sound comes out. He continues to thrust and I feel the wet heat of my juices coating his cock. He does not stop pounding into me, pushing me toward another climax. My body is wet and shaking from the effort to keep up with him. But the ecstasy is wringing me dry. Finally, as he pushes me to a third high, I feel him grow tense. His body swells within mine just as I cry out hoarsely. He holds me close, his breath hot on my neck as he pours himself into me. I feel his hot seed coating my womb as he fills me. His heart pounds, matching the beat of my own. He breathes harshly as he tries to catch his breath. Slowly, he stretches me out and joins me briefly, kissing my neck. My eyes are drooping as he moves away from me and covers my feet. I hear him go to the bathroom. I’m almost asleep when he returns. I feel a warm dampness as he wipes my body with a towel. I don’t know when I fall asleep. All I have is a vague sensation of being completely covered with a blanket and pulled into his arms.

I wake up with my leg thrown over Archer. He is snoring softly. The sky is light and I wonder how late we have slept. My stomach rumbles but the call of nature is stronger. I slip out of the bed and hurry to relieve my bladder. Archer has barely stirred. I rummage through the drawer and find a T-shirt. It hits me just below my butt. I go downstairs to get some juice. I pour myself a tall glass and take a sip while I contemplate breakfast, or at this time, brunch. As I move to the sink with the glass, my eyes fall upon a box at the door leading to the garage. I go over to the box – and stare in shock. My hand trembles and I have to place the glass on the nearest surface. My heart is pounding as I pick up a picture.

It was taken at least ten years ago and the face is innocent and almost unrecognizable to the man I had known. But that distinctive mole on the left corner of his mouth leaves no doubt that this is Grant. I pick up another picture. It is a family. The little red-headed boy smiles with a gap from a missing tooth. The woman is a replica of the little boy with the same red hair and green eyes. But my eyes are drawn to the tall man. I stop breathing for a split second.

His hair is less silver and he is not wearing glasses. But this is Archer.

What the fuck!?

I’m trembling as I recall all the conversations Grant has had about his deadbeat father. I recall the snippets I know of Archer being divorced with an adult child. But this can’t be. Grant’s father cannot be Archer! Archer’s son cannot be Grant! It doesn’t make any sense!

But as I look through even more pictures, I find a grade school certificate made out to Grant Colleymore for perfect attendance. Where the hell did Duncan come from!?

My heart is racing as I try to gather my thoughts. My spirit plummets as I try not to allow the reality of what I have just discovered to sink in just yet – but it’s forcing its way into my consciousness nevertheless. I need to get out of this house – and fast.

I creep upstairs, not sure how I’m going to get dressed without waking Archer. I peer into the room just as he is getting out of bed. He looks over at me and smiles.

“Morning, sweetheart.”

I smile nervously, struggling to hide my agitation, “M-Morning.”

“Something the matter? You sound out of breath. And I had nothing to do with it.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and I force a laugh.

“Just running up the stairs. That’s all.”

“Well, care to run into the shower with me?” He walks over and I realize that I’m still standing in the doorway. I smile nervously and wrap my arms around him.

“I’ll be right there. Go on and get started.”

“Okay. Don’t be too long.” He kisses me briefly and I watch as he heads to the shower. My heart is pounding as I wait for the water to start.
