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My feet feel like lead. The other guys come up behind me and one of them pushes me. I forget about my cart and hang on to my purse as I move forward like a zombie.

We walk quickly to the back of the store and Spike forces me through the ‘employees only’ door. We find ourselves in a stuffy warehouse. But we don’t stop there. Soon, I feel a blast of cold air and we are in the alley that runs behind the supermarket. As soon as we step out, I’m backed up against the wall. I attempt to scream but it dies in my throat as a knife is pressed against it. There is also a gun being pressed into my ribs. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Ben coming toward us and I feel relief. But Spike and his thugs don’t appear deterred. I soon know why when Ben simply lounges against the wall a few feet away. Spike laughs when he sees me look at Ben and the realization dawns.

“How many clubs are there in the city and I just happened to find the one you were at?”

I look at Ben. “You followed me that night.”

He smiles. “I’m paid to guard you, aren’t I?”

“You told him where I would be. And you called him today. How could you betray me like that? Archer trusted you to protect me—”

Ben sneers. “Colleymore’s an asshole. And I’m sick of protecting his pussy. I wonder if you’re that good. Maybe we can find out, right, Spike?”

The men laugh, and I feel real fear creep along my spine. Spike places his hand along the wall and uses the knife to trail down my cheek. I shiver and take a deep breath. Suddenly, he flicks his wrist and I feel a piercing heat. Despite the cold, I feel warmth trickle down my cheek. He swipes at it with his finger and holds it in front of my face. I see the tip is red and a scream rises to my throat. He clamps his hand over my mouth.

“One fucking sound and I slit your throat. It’s been over a year and I ain’t got one damn cent from you or your rotten boyfriend. I’ve warned you and warned you and I’ve had enough!” he hisses.

I’m crying as he’s trailing the knife along my neck as he speaks. He grabs a handful of my hair and I cry out at the pain on my scalp. He bends my head back at an uncomfortable angle as he continues to rant. I hear something different in his tone this time as anger takes over. The back of my head is beginning to hurt when he suddenly pulls back. But not for long. The cheek he cut stings as he backhands me and I go flying a few steps away. I fall to the cold hard ground and feel my leg burn with the impact. Before I can process it, I’m hauled unceremoniously up by my hair and I scream in pain. He does not care. None of them do. The men snicker and watch as he manhandles me.

That same burning pain rushes up my arm as he slices the knife at me. He grabs my arm again and flings me against the wall. My shoulder connects and I’m now in tears from all the impact of the assault. I scream again as he grabs me once more and pushes me against the wall. He presses his body into mine and I feel bile rise to my throat when I feel his erection pressing into me.

“I should just take what I can get as it’s clear there’ll be no getting anything else.”

I hear his cronies laugh and snicker about getting a piece of the action from such a hot piece of ass. I scream and push against him and he laughs gutturally.

“I love a fighter. It makes it that much sweeter.” He presses his mouth against mine and I recoil. The nausea I had felt a moment ago sends vomit spewing and he shouts and pulls back.

“You bitch! Now I’m going to give you something to scream about. Come here!”

He grabs my hair once more and tears at my coat. “When I’m done with you, there’ll be nothing left to bury!”

I feel faint from the cold and the beating and my eyes drift close. He gropes me and I feel my skin exposed to the cold as he rips at my clothing. Maybe it’s better this way. I feel so tired of running and tired of hiding.

Suddenly, sirens sound in the distance and they are getting closer. One moment, Spike is all over me and trying to strip me as I lie bloody and bruised, then a split second later, feet are running away down the alley and I’m left shivering. I imagine that I hear car doors being slammed and the screech of wheels. But that can’t be. I’m alone.

The sirens are louder. I’m cold as I lie on the ground, parts of me exposed to the harsh December temperatures. Then warm hands are moving over me. I cry out in despair, thinking Spike has returned to finish what he started. I try to move away from the hands and pain shoots all over my body.

“It’s okay. We’ve got you. We’ve got you.” I’m covered with something thick and heavy and I begin to feel some warmth. The hands and voices move away and behind my lids there are flashing lights. I struggle to stay awake but I know that shock is weaving me in and out of consciousness. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, I’m being lifted off the ground. I have the sensation that I’m floating before doors slam shut. It is only when I feel that I’m moving that I allow myself to let go into the alluring darkness.

Chapter eighteen


Ican’tshakethefeeling I’ve had all night.

After speaking with Ben, I poured myself into work before dragging myself home. Between Grant’s reappearance and the issues I’m having with Sidney, I feel torn. I open up the office and try to focus on getting some reports completed. I check the roster and am relieved to see that Andrew is on duty to guard Sidney. I try calling Ben to ask him to come to the office for a meeting but he doesn’t answer his phone. I find it strange but brush it aside.

I get caught up in work. It’s my only solace. Sometime around eleven, my phone rings. It is a strange number but I think nothing of it.


“Archer Colleymore?”

“Speaking.” I listen as the disembodied voice of a woman begins to speak. I feel as though I’m back in the field facing enemy fire as she asks me to come to the hospital. I hear Grant’s name and spring into action.

“I’m on my way.”

I grab my coat and lock my office. I know I look like a wreck as I pass through the outer offices. I barely have time to ask one of my officers to take over for the rest of the day before I hurry to the parking garage. I drive like the wind, bobbing and weaving in and out of the midday traffic. I park as close as I can to the ER and rush inside. I find the first desk that looks as though they can give me some information.
