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I sigh and rub my hand across my face. “Is there any way the hospital can force him to go to rehab?”

“Unfortunately, we can’t. Not unless it can be proven that he is mentally unstable. And if he was sane enough to tell us your name and where to find you, we can’t plead insanity. We just have to hope that he sees that this is for his own good and perhaps to save his life.”

“I hope so. I really do want him to get the help he needs. And money is no object for me to do that.”

“Would you like to see him?”


We leave the office and she escorts me back to the main reception area. The nurse at the desk looks up at the same time that two police officers turn around. I frown as they walk toward me.

“Mr. Colleymore?”

“Who wants to know?”

“I’m officer Clarke and this is officer Evans. We brought your son in this morning. Could we have a private word with you?”

I turn to Dr. Beaumont. “I’ll be right back.”

I follow the officers down the corridor until we find a somewhat secluded alcove. They check the surrounding rooms and find them empty.

“Sometimes, it’s best to speak privately in public,” Evans smiles wryly.

“How can I help you, gentlemen?”

“Do you know of any dealings your son may have with Deon Collins?” Clarke watches me intently.


They exchange looks. “So, you have an idea of what I’m about to tell you, then.”

“Not a clue. Can we just cut to the chase?”

“We have it from a good source that Spike is responsible for beating your son last night. He intended to kill him but had to leave the job unfinished.”

“So, why not just put a bullet in his head?”

“You know Spike. He likes to leave a mess. Do you know why Spike is after your son?”

“Why is Spike after anyone? Money.”

“Does your son have a family? Wife, girlfriend., children, anyone who could be used as a target?”

At that, I freeze. I have been so caught up with dealing with Grant, I have forgotten all about Sidney.

“I know of one person, but she’s under my protection and has been for a few months.”

“Good. Just wanted to give you a heads up on who you’re dealing with so that you can deal with it accordingly.”

“Thank you, officers. I appreciate it.”

I walk back to the reception area where Dr. Beaumont is still waiting. I follow her down the corridor.

“Our timing is perfect. He’s conscious and pain free. We can squeeze you in before we dose him up again and he’s knocked out. Here we are. For the love of everything as a parent who wants to do right by their child, try and get him to agree to rehab. As soon as he says yes, we’ll have the forms signed in your presence.”

“I’ll do my best.”

I take a deep breath before stepping into the room. I’m greeted with the sound of beeping machines and that typical antiseptic hospital smell. I move as though in slow motion as I walk toward the bed in the center of the room. A shock of red hair sticks out from the bandages around his head. I’m glad that Dr. Beaumont warned me about how he would look. I swallow – hard.
