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“How long has it been since I was home, Dad?”

I look up from the bag I’m packing with his personal effects. I see tears in his eyes and hear the thickness in his voice. This tugs at my heart.

“It’s been too long.”

“I’m sorry I’ve been as awful as I was. I didn’t mean it. I was so angry and stupid. I just wanted you around.” He breaks down sobbing.

I sit on the side of the bed and pull him into my arms. He holds me as tightly as he can and simply sobs. I feel the years of separation between us melt in that embrace. I hold him for as long as I need to, not caring that the nurse and orderly have been waiting to assist us with the discharge process.

Finally, when he regains control, I help him into his clothes. His discharge papers are completed and he is wheeled down to the lobby. I have brought a few blankets to shield him from the cold when he is transferred to the car. He settles into the passenger seat and I leave the parking lot.



“Can we get a pizza?”

I look across at him. “Sure. We could do drive thru so you don’t have to try to get out of the car.”

“That would be great.”

I call one of the popular spots and we are soon enroute. We have to wait for a few minutes but soon our pizza is on the back seat and we are again heading for home.

“Is this where you’ve always lived?”

“No. I got this place about seven or eight years ago. I was about to get out of the service and I knew I needed to put down some solid roots. I’d really been hoping that you would take up one of my many offers to visit. And though it’s under these circumstances, I’m grateful.”

“I’m grateful too, Dad. I’ve really worked hard all week on fighting the pull. That’s the only way Dr. Beaumont said I could survive spending the night. By the time the meds wear off tomorrow, I’ll already be in rehab where I can really get better. But I had to spend some time with you.”

“I appreciate it, Grant.”

“Thanks for doing this for me,” he sighs. I hear the soft sobs again. “I’m sorry. Dr. Beaumont said I’m going to have some emotional outbursts. I can’t seem to stop crying like I’m fucking pregnant and hormonal!”

I cannot help but laugh at the comparison. His sobs turn to laughter and we both dissolve into chuckles. We laugh and talk and catch up during the rest of the drive. Soon, I pull up to the gate.

“This is it. The Colleymore compound.”

“It looks well-protected.”

“It is. Let me have your phone.”

He hands it to me.

“I’m going to program the code and you can use the speed dial. I’ll put it under number one. Now you open the gate.”

He clicks the number on the dial pad and the gate swings open.

“Now close it.”

I wait until the gate is secure behind us before we continue up the driveway.

“The same code opens the garage.”

I drive into the space and switch off the engine as the door closes behind us.

“Let me get the kitchen door open and get your things and the pizza inside before I help you in, okay?”

