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“What do you want me to do for you?”

“Aren’t you afraid of Spike?”

“Not in the least. He knows not to wrangle with my clients.”

“At least someone’s got some balls,” her friend says energetically. “Do you know they actually told her to just pay Spike and get on with her life?”

“Except, I can’t do that. I’ve even been fired over all of this.”

“But money is no object for us to get a bodyguard, Mr. Colleymore. Sidney knows I’ve got her back.”

“Let’s discuss the needs. The money can be dealt with after. You say you have no idea what your ex owed him?” I look at Sidney.

“Maybe a few thousand? He never said.”

“I think you underestimate the nature of the business in which Spike engages. He starts in the thousands. So, more than likely your ex-boyfriend’s debt is now in the tens of thousands, especially after their rate of interest has been added.”

Her eyes open wide. “Is that even possible? Or legal?”

“In the world of loan sharks, anything goes. So, since it’s not a case where the debt is going to be cleared, you need to stop the harassment. Therefore, if they see you being guarded, there’s very little they can do, especially if they know it’s my firm. We don’t ask questions if our client seems to be compromised.”

I pull my firearm from my waist as I speak, raising my eyebrows suggestively.

“I told you we should get guns,” her friend whispers. “Or chihuahuas.”

For the first time since they entered the office, Sidney smiles. It is a tiny upward curve, but it’s enough to lighten her face. I take a deep breath and put the gun back in my waist. Then an idea hits me. I look at Sidney.

“Did you say you lost your job?”

“Yes. I was asked to quit yesterday. I haven’t had the chance to look for anything else yet. Plus, I may need to move.”

“You don’t need to do either. I have a proposition for you. And you’d actually be doing me a favor if you accept. You need a bodyguard. And based on the nature of things, you would need a twenty-four-hour service. I would also recommend cameras inside that you can monitor from your phone so you won’t be caught unawares by anyone lying in wait in your apartment.”

“That sounds expensive.”

“It is. But it won’t be as exorbitant as you think once I work out the details. I’m expanding my business and I’m going to need an administrative assistant. My current admin is going to go to the new location and I’d intended to place an ad in the papers by the end of the week. So, if it’s okay with you, would you like to interview for the position?”

“But how do you know if I’m any good in that line of work?”

“I don’t. Which is why I’m now interviewing you. Do you know how to file? Type a letter? Take notes of meetings with clients where necessary? Make appointments?” I question her.

She nods, “I do.”

“You’ve got the job,” I state.

Her beautiful eyes widen in surprise, “Wait! Don’t you want to see my resume or my references?”

“Not particularly. Now, let’s work out the salary. Being that I’m going to be providing round-the-clock close services plus cameras, I would have to work out what that would cost and deduct accordingly. But rest assured. I pay well and you’ll be able to cover your other monthly obligations.”

“Can I at least think about it and get back to you?”

“You’ll have to think now. Either way, you’ll be walking out of here with a bodyguard this afternoon.”

“This afternoon?”

“Yes, ma’am. Think about it. You’ll be protected on the job as well. Neither my staff nor I take kindly to threats from loan sharks. They won’t come around here.”

Her friend turns to her, “I think you should take it, Sid. He has a very good point. Shadeed’s let you go because they were afraid of staff being attacked. Who’s going to intimidate anyone here? And if some payment can be worked out to make it work, why not? Take it, Sid. He’s right.”
