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‘Very romantic,’ she muttered, as she tore off the wrappings, nearly breaking a nail in the process.

She made up the bed with the precision of a mathematical formula, checked the fitted wardrobe in one corner for hangers, then put soap and towels in the old-fashioned bathroom across the passage.

‘Lot of space in that dressing room,’ observed the plumber as he emerged from the master suite. ‘How about a bath as well as a shower because there’s plenty of space? And what about fittings—chrome or gold?’ He paused. ‘And I’ve brought some tile samples on the van. Italian—top of the range.’

‘They sound lovely,’ said Tavy. ‘And I’ll ask Mr Marsh to contact you about the rest.’

‘It’s usually the lady that decides that kind of thing.’ He grinned at her. ‘Doesn’t he trust you?’

Colour rose in her face. ‘I shan’t be living here. I’m simply the project manager.’

His glance was frankly sceptical as he turned away. ‘Just as you say, love.’

The tile samples went to fill another gap on the shelves and Tavy was just adding the queries about bathroom fixtures and fittings to the email she planned to send Jago, when the doorbell rang, only to sound another prolonged and more imperious summons as she reached the hall.

Patience is a virtue, she recited under her breath as she threw open the front door, only to come face to face with Fiona Culham.

‘And about time,’ Fiona began, then halted, staring. ‘Octavia? What the hell are you doing here?’

‘Working,’ said Tavy. ‘I lost my job so Jago offered me another.’

The other girl’s eyes narrowed. ‘Presumably your father has somehow convinced him that charity begins at home.’ She took a step forward. ‘Now, if you’ll be good enough to stand aside, I’d like a word with him.’

‘I’m afraid Jago—Mr Marsh—isn’t here, Miss Culham. He’s away on business.’

‘But he must have left a contact number.’ Fiona walked past her into the hall. ‘You can give me that.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Tavy said politely. ‘But I’ve been instructed it’s for my use only.’

Fiona gave the slightly metallic laugh that Tavy hated. ‘Aren’t you getting a little above yourself? This must be your first day in the job.’

‘Yours too, I believe.’

There was a simmering silence, then Fiona said, ‘I suppose I can leave a message.’

‘Certainly. I’ll get my notebook.’

‘I’d prefer a sheet of paper.’ Fiona took a pen from her handbag. ‘And an envelope, please.’

Tavy nodded. ‘I’ll get them for you.’

As she reached the office, the telephone was ringing, the caller being the electrician with a preliminary quotation which he would confirm in writing.

Tavy made a note of the details, collected the stationery and returned to the hall, only to find it empty. For a moment she thought that Fiona had got tired of waiting and left, then the sound of footsteps alerted her and she saw the other girl coming down the stairs.

‘I needed the bathroom,’ she announced. ‘Hope you don’t mind.’

‘I would have shown you...’

‘Unnecessary.’ Fiona’s smile held an odd satisfaction. ‘I’ve been a visitor here so many times, I know the place like the back of my hand.’

She wrote swiftly on the paper, folded it and put it in the envelope, sealing it with meticulous care before handing it over. ‘I must emphasise this is strictly confidential.’

Tavy nodded. ‘There’s a lot of it about,’ she said, and received a venomous look in return.

‘Then, on that understanding, let me strongly advise you to keep your mouth shut—because, if you don’t, you’ll find that coming here has been a terrible mistake.’ Fiona paused. ‘Just a friendly warning.’

The door safely closed behind the unwelcome visitor, Tavy leaned back against the heavy timbers for a moment, taking a calming breath. If that’s friendly, she thought, I wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of hostile.

The Jacksons were wrong, she told herself grimly. Fiona and Mrs Wilding are a match made in heaven.

But—I will not let her get to me.

And on that heartening note, she went back to the office and began devising a spreadsheet to keep track of the renovations on a daily and weekly basis.

She broke off for a brief chat with the heating engineers before they left, the new boiler installed, then locked the door behind them and returned to the computer, glad that the house was now quiet and concentration not such a problem.
