Page 1 of More than Friends

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Chapter One



Iglance around therestaurant. Maggie asked me to meet her here.

I loosen my tie as I look around. We don’t normally meet at places like this. Itfeelslike a date. I’m confused as hell because Maggie and I don’t date.

Hook up.Yes.


I check my watch. She’s late. She’s never late. I pick up my phone and text her.

Me: You’re late. You okay?

Maggie: I know – I’m sorry. Things have been crazy recently. I can’t wait to catch you up.

Me: I’m normally the one who’s late.

Maggie: (laughing emoji) Oh, I know. My Uber is stuck in traffic. Be there soon. Promise.

Me: (thumbs up emoji)

I lean back in my chair and exhale slowly. I’ve ordered drinks and appetizers already. I know what she likes. Maggie and I have been friends for years, best friends – with benefits.

We get together – hang out and hook up – whenever we’re in the same town. She travels as much as I do. It works for us. Neither of us is interested in anything remotely resembling a committed relationship, which is why I’m a bit confused by the restaurant. I furrow my brow and glance around. It’s also public, and we don’t do public. Our friends with benefits thing is a complete secret.

Maggie’s sister, Elizabeth, is married to my brother, James, and they would absolutely kill of us if they found out about this. More specifically - my brother would kill me. Since he’s the President of the United States, I figure he can murder me and get away with it too. I’m not sure why she’s chosen this restaurant. It seems so out in the open.

I scroll on my phone mindlessly while I wait. When I look up, I spot her at the door. She floats across the room like a fucking goddess, and I stop breathing. She’s wearing a black dress that hugs every curve and makes her legs look like they are miles long. I drag my eyes down her body and back up again. I’m just imagining myself pushing that dress up around her waist while she hooks her legs behind me – stilettos digging into my back.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she says as she gets closer.

I arch my eyebrow playfully. “Like what, Maggie?”

I stand up to greet her. She leans in for a hug and whispers, “Like you’d like to fuck me in the coat closet.”

She wraps her arms around me and squeezes me tight. She smells fantastic. I could stay here all night and smell her hair.

“Don’t wear a dress like that if you don’t want me to look at you like that,” I whisper in her ear.

She lingers for a minute, pulling me just a little closer. “Oh Dex, it’s been too long.”

We finally break our hug, and I motion for her to sit across from me. “It’s nice of you to finally join me.”

She smirks. “You’re welcome.”

She picks up her white wine and takes a sip of it, holding eye contact with me the entire time.

“How was your trip? I lost track. Where have you been?” she asks.

“Snowboarding in Pakistan.”

She chokes a little on her wine. “Pakistan?”

