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“I can help, Maggie. We can do this together.”

I bristle. I don’t want to do thistogether. I want to do thisalone.

“Please, Mags.”

“Don’t call me that,” I snap.

He sets the glass down beside me and then says, “Do I need a lawyer?”

I feel like I’m going to throw up again. I raise my eyes to his.


I stand up quickly – too quickly and grow lightheaded. I close my eyes and wobble a little. He hops up and grabs my elbow. I jerk it back.

“I don’t need your help, Declan.” I slip past him.

As I’m heading out the door and back to my apartment, he calls, “Can I come to the doctor’s appointments?”

Tears are stinging my eyes. I don’t answer but hold my middle finger over my head and then storm out the door – slamming it behind me.

Maggie and Declan Text Thread

Declan: Are you feeling any better?


Declan: Don’t be mad at me.


Declan: I’m excited about this. I know you came to share happy news today and things didn’t go well, but I wanted to tell you that it’s wonderful news and I’m so happy you were able to get pregnant.


Declan: Let me know if you need anything.


The Next Day

Declan: Are you goingto the Memorial Day lunch at the White House?


Declan: You go every year so I’m assuming you are going.


Declan: Are you just going to ghost me? You can’t avoid me forever.


Declan: Well, I guess I’ll see you at the White House. I’m sure this won’t be awkward at all. (eye roll emoji)
