Page 115 of More than Friends

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I glance over at Will, who just looks bewildered. I might as well just get this over with. “Since the Election Party.”

“The last one?” Will asks.

I brace myself. “The first one.”

Will’s eyes widen.

James is clenching his fists at his sides. “The first one? That’s over four years ago.”

I nod.

James drags his hands over his face and curses loudly. He points to Will. “Will was right – you make the worst decisions when it comes to women. I knew you two flirted with each other, but I never thought you’d be stupid enough to do anything else.”

I don’t respond, but I’m not flinching either.

“Of all the women.” James is waving his arms around wildly now. “The whole world, Declan. The whole world is full of women you can be with, and you choose my wife’s sister.”

Will stands silently, watching James stalk around the room. I’m just going to let James get this out before I talk.

He’s pointing back toward the dining room. “Maggie. Why Maggie?” He starts to pace. Finally, he stops and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Why the fuck didn’t you use protection?”

“She wanted me to get her pregnant.”

Will’s jaw drops open. James freezes in place like he’s digesting the words that I’ve just spoken. He drops his hand and slowly turns to me. “What?”

“She wanted to get pregnant. She wanted a baby.”

Confusion is written all over his face as he drops into a chair behind the desk.

“You got pregnant on purpose? I really don’t understand. Why are you fighting?” He points out toward the dining room again. “Why is she sobbing?”

I sit down in the chair across from him, and Will takes the seat beside me. “It’s a long story.”

James places his arms on the desk and says, “You’re going to need to start from the beginning.”

I nod and take in a deep inhale. “We started hooking up at the first Election Party.”

His jaw tightens, but he doesn’t say a word.

“We had a friends with benefits thing for the last few years. It worked for both of us.”

His eyes narrow on me. “You can see how that was a stupid fucking idea, right?”

I shrug. “We talked about it and decided together that it’s what we wanted. It’s really not anyone else’s business. We’re consenting adults.”

He rolls his eyes. “Like hell it isn’t anyone else’s business. She’s family, Declan. That impacts all of us. Like right now, she’s sobbing in the middle of a family lunch.”

Will keeps perfectly still, not making a sound.

I’m not going to get into that right now, so instead I say, “Last year, she asked me to get her pregnant, basically a sperm donor.”

He shakes his head in disbelief. “And you just agreed? Nothing about that seemed like a bad idea?”

James flashes his eyes to Will. “You agree, right? That’s a stupid fucking idea.”

Will still doesn’t say anything.

I pause for a second considering how honest I want to be and then I say, “She wanted a baby more than anything. I had a lot of reservations, but I couldn’t say no. How could I deny her that?”
