Page 157 of More than Friends

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I sigh. “Of course I’ll tell you.”

Declan’s phone starts to buzz, and he swipes open the call. “Hey!”

“Hi,” James says. Elizabeth leans in so we can see her. Everett is sleeping against James’ chest.

“Oh my god, he’s so little,” I say.

“He didn’t feel little,” Elizabeth jokes. “He was a whole pound bigger than Vivi.”

I laugh. “Hungry boy.”

“He’s hungry all the time, but he’s not eating well.” A shadow passes over her face.

James jumps in. “We’ve been working with a lactation specialist. I’m sure we’ll get it figured out.”

“I hope so,” Elizabeth mutters.

James turns Everett so we can see him a little better. He’s sound asleep. His hand curled up against his face.

“Oh, Vivi used to sleep like that,” I say.

Elizabeth nods. “I know. I was thinking the same thing.

“How is Vivi?” Declan asks.

“She’s over the moon. She couldn’t be more excited. Poor Everett, she thinks he’s a doll. She wants to sing to him – show him all her toys. He just wants to sleep.”

“Ha!” Declan says. “He’ll be playing with her before too long.”

“MarryMe, on the other hand,” Elizabeth shakes her head. “She’s having a time adjusting.”

“Oh, no,” I say. “What’s she doing?”

“She’s just extra needy. Wants a ton of attention.”

Everett starts to stir. “Looks like it’s mealtime again,” James says.

“We will let you go. Thanks for calling,” Declan says.

“Love you both!” Elizabeth says. “I’ll try to come by in a few weeks so he can meet you in person.”

“If we can get security figured out,” James adds.

Elizabeth rolls her eyes and then she mutters, “If we can get security figured out.”

“Love you too,” I call and then we hang up.

I turn to him. “Can you believe how little he is?”

Declan jumps up and says, “Hang on. I want to show you something.”

When he returns to the room, he hands me a bag. “One of your co-workers sent a gift.”

I reach into the bag and pull out a sleeper. “Look how small it is!”

He holds up a diaper. “Check out these newborn diapers they gave us. I was loading some onto the changing table earlier.” He hands it to me.

I take it and study it in my hand. “It’s like doll sized.”
