Page 39 of More than Friends

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“There’s not.” I pick up my menu and bury my nose in it. “I’ve just taken up boxing.”

Celeste pulls my menu down so she can see my face. “Boxing?”

“Yes. At a boxing gym. It is very therapeutic. I started because I was having nightmares after everything with Cole.”

They both fall very still.

“Are you still having nightmares?” Elizabeth asks quietly.

“Not since...” I nearly say not since Declan stayed with me. God, I can’t tell them Declan moved in with me for over a month.

Elizabeth cocks her head to the side, and I say, “Not since I started boxing.”

I hold eye contact with her. I see a flicker of relief cross her eyes.

“Are you in therapy too?” Celeste asks.

I nod. “I am. I’m in a good place now. Don’t worry.”

Elizabeth grabs my hand. “I wish you had talked with me about this sooner. I didn’t realize...”

She lets her voice trail off.

“It’s really fine now.”

Celeste looks at Elizabeth. “Have you seen someone?”

Elizabeth laughs loudly. “Yes. I’m surprised that James didn’t make me live with my therapist, but it’s been good. I’ve been able to work through it.”

She turns to me. “It was scary. Probably more so for you than me. I wasn’t the one with the gun to my head. I should have checked in with you sooner. I’m sorry.”

I nod. “Thank you. I’m really fine now.”

I’m ready to move on, so I say. “What is everyone ordering? I’m starving.”

Declan and Maggie Text Thread

Maggie: So you rescued Will from the handcuffer, huh?

Declan: Yeah. He would have spent all night with her if I hadn’t.

Maggie: Why didn’t you tell me?

Declan: What do you mean?

Maggie: That’s normally the sort of story you’d be dying to tell. Why didn’t you tell me?

Declan: I don’t know. We’ve been busy.

Maggie: Yeah. I guess we have.
