Page 94 of More than Friends

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“I personally don’t think his work should be in the Guggenheim, but maybe I’m just a snob,” Stellan says. Stellanisa snob, but I still don’t know what they are talking about.

I idly sip my wine and let my eyes drift around the restaurant. It’s a beautiful place. The food is wonderful. Hugo takes me places like this at least once a week, but...

There’s no attraction between us. I mean, none. He has not tried to touch me other than a quick good night kiss on the cheek. We’ve been going out for nearly two months. I’m starting to think he might be asexual. I’ve wondered if he’s gay, but why would he hide it? We work in one of the most accepting industries. There’s literally no reason why he would be closeted. And, I... well, I’ve lost all desire for sex. I can’t separate pleasure from fertility. It’s all jumbled up in my head. And, then there’s Declan. God, the last thing I want to think about right now is Declan.

“Maggie darling, I’d love to see that piece you have at your apartment. The blue watercolor. You showed me a picture on your phone last week. If you’d consider selling it, I think I have a buyer, one of Stellan’s friends.”

Stellan nods. “Yes. I saw the pictures. I think she’d love it.”

“Yes, of course. I’m willing to sell it. When do you want to see it?” I say, snapping back to attention.

“How about tomorrow? I’ll meet you at your place and then we can go to lunch afterward.”

Hugo has never been to my place before, and it doesn’t sound like he’s inviting himself over for anything other than business. I nearly sigh out loud. No one has touched me since the last time Declan and I were together. I’m dying for any physical affection. As much as sex feels fraught right now, I just want to be touched.

“Perfect,” I say, smiling sweetly and then I retreat into my head while they continue their conversation around me.

The next morning, I pull open the door shortly after Hugo knocks. My eyes linger on Declan’s door for a moment as I motion Hugo inside. I shut it quickly. Not that Declan is next door. He’s not. He’s been gone since the Inauguration, well over a month ago. I have replayed that fight over and over in my head since then. I can’t believe how ugly things got between us. I don’t understand why he’s reacting the way he is. I don’t understand why I’ve lost a friend. I’ve tried to push him out of my mind. He went to Australia. He literally went to the other side of the world to get away from me.

“Where is this masterpiece?” Hugo asks. I motion him back to my bedroom to have a look.

He studies it for a few minutes. “Can I take pictures?”

“Of course,” I say, sitting down at my desk. I know Hugo well enough to know this is going to take some time. After he finishes, he turns to me and says, “It’s perfect. I know my client will love it.”

“Wonderful,” I say as brightly as I can. There’s a hollowness inside me that I mask every day, since I learned I won’t be having a baby – since Declan walked out and never came back. I miss him so much. It hurts. It might hurt worse than the baby news, and I don’t know how that’s possible. I lost my best friend, and it’s left a gaping hole inside me, like a death that’s shattered me. I was dumb to rope him into the baby thing to start with. I hadn’t anticipated how things could go wrong. I wish I had considered the costs. I’ve thought a million times about contacting him – begging him to come back, talk things out, but I can’t. I can’t let go of the hurt and anger yet.

“I’ll make sure you get what you deserve for this painting,” Hugo winks at me. Good thing. I’m considering starting all the fertility treatments this summer. They aren’t going to be cheap.

“Should we go to lunch?” He holds out his hand. As soon as I take it, there’s a part of me that wants to push him back on the bed and see what he does. Would he be into it?Would I?Would it start a fire between us or just confirm to me that there’s not a single spark between the two of us? Instead I stand up and grab my purse. “Let’s go.”

As soon as I open the door to the hallway, I freeze. Hugo nearly crashes into the back of me. Declan’s standing at his door, luggage by his side. He’s just turned the knob but pauses when he sees me.

He’s grown a beard and hasn’t had a haircut in months and somehow it just makes him so much hotter. I nearly groan out loud as I take him in.

“Maggie,” he says. His tone is like ice. He drags his eyes from me to Hugo. His eyes flicker as he takes us in.

“Declan,” I stammer. “I didn’t know you were back.”

“Just got in.” He pushes his door open, walks inside, and closes it without another word.

“Friendly guy,” Hugo says. “That was the guy from the Inauguration - the President’s brother?”

“One of them,” I mutter as I lock my door. I left the Inauguration as soon as Declan left – without saying a word to Hugo. I couldn’t go back inside after that fight. I looked and felt like hell. I’d texted Hugo that I had a migraine come up suddenly and had to leave. I’m sure he knew I was lying but didn’t say a word.

“I didn’t know he lived across the hall from you. He’s kinda like your brother-in-law, right?”

I hurry toward the elevator. I cannot get out of this building fast enough. “Well, not exactly. He’s my brother-in-law's brother.”

“Oh, right,” he says. “You danced with him at the Inauguration. I had no idea you were neighbors.”

I don’t respond.

He wrinkles his nose. “I thought he was supposed to be the friendly one.”

“He normally is.”

“Must be jetlag.” He pushes the elevator button, and I nervously glance down the hallway. “He does look good with that beard though. I wouldn’t have guessed.”
