Page 97 of More than Friends

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The next morning, I wake up on the couch. I look down to see a redhead curled up beside me on the left and a blonde sleeping with her head in my lap. I stretch out my neck and try to remember what happened last night. We didn’t fuck. I know that much. We’re all dressed – or mostly dressed. My shirt is off. I blow a big rush of air out of my lips. I need to get them out of here – one of them is a teenager, for god’s sake. This just feels gross. What were their names again? Kayla? No. Krysten? No. Lola. Maybe? Who knows – I do remember that they are nineteen and twenty, and I did not serve them a drop of alcohol. I groan – it’s still not a good look.

The blonde stirs and sits up. She rubs her eyes and then smiles at me. She presses her hand to my cheek and says, “Morning, Decky.”

My head pounds. Okay, I just need to move on from this. They’ve got to go. The other one is awake now too, smiling at me. I stand up quickly.

“Can I call you a car?” I grab my phone. “Let me get you a car.”

The blonde has her heels in her hands, looking a bit disappointed.

“It will be here in two minutes, so...” I walk over to the door and open it. I hold my breath as I watch them pass me. As soon as they are out in the hallway, I hear Maggie’s doorknob start to turn. I close my eyes for a moment and then open them to see her. She freezes as soon as her door is completely open. Her eyes flash to mine and then to the girls and then to my shirtless torso. One of the girls slides her hands around my waist. “Thanks for a fun evening, Decky.”

The other one stretches up on her toes and kisses my cheek. “I didn’t tell you last night, but your beard is so fucking hot.”

The other one giggles. “It really is.”

Maggie’s eyes simmer with rage. I should break eye contact with her, but I can’t seem to look away.

The redhead drags her hand over my jawline to feel my beard. “Call us if you want to hang out again.”

I dart my eyes away from Maggie. The blonde points to herself. “Layla.” She points to her friend. “Krista.”

“We put our numbers in your phone.”

“Right.” I check my phone. “Your ride is here.”

Maggie hasn’t moved an inch, but the energy pouring off her into the hallway is nearly suffocating me.

We watch the girls walk to the end of the hallway in silence. Once they reach the elevator, Krista calls, “Bye, Decky. Let’s hang out again soon.”

I give a little wave. Layla blows a kiss, and Maggie growls. As soon as the elevator shuts, Maggie turns back to me and hisses, “How old are they?”

“Old enough.”

She crosses her arms. “You sure...Decky?”

I glare at her for a moment and say, “Yes. I checked their IDs.”

“Unbelievable,” she mutters. “Where did you find them? A prom afterparty? Seriously, are you sure they aren’t in high school?”

I tighten my fingers around the edge of my door. This is the most we’ve spoken to each other since I’ve been back – since we had the big fight. “I told you. I checked their ages.”

“That’s gross. I know you like your women, but...”

I cut her off. “It’s none of your damn business.” I step back toward my room.

She follows me with her eyes. “Good thing.”

"Yeah, it is,” I mumble before stalking into my apartment.
