Page 99 of More than Friends

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“It isn’t me,” I say, handing the girls back over. After they leave, Will picks up Ansley and then says with a low voice, “Is Maggie okay?”

I stiffen a little.

“She didn’t look very happy when she walked in.”

I run my hands through my hair and then say, “I’m honestly not sure.”

“Anything we can do?” He darts his eyes toward the other side of the room where Maggie is chatting with her sisters.


“Do you think you need to get Elizabeth involved? She doesn’t look great.”

She really doesn’t. She looks tired and pale and thin.

“That’s not what she wants,” I say.

James claps his hands together and says, “Lunch. Everyone grabs a seat.”

I sit near Brooklyn and Eli. Maggie stays near her sisters. James is standing at the head of the table, glass in his hand. He loves a toast. He loves dramatic family speeches before holiday meals. He lives for these moments.

He looks down at Elizabeth and then says, “Thank you for coming today. It’s always so special to see everyone together. Elizabeth and I are so happy you are here especially because we have news to share.”

Celeste gasps and looks at Elizabeth, who is beaming.

“Vivi, you want to tell everyone?” Elizabeth says.

Vivi smiles brightly and shouts, “I’m going to be a big sister!”

As everyone else erupts into cheers and congratulations, my eyes dart to Maggie’s. For just a half-second, sadness flashes in her eyes and then she pushes it away and forces a smile. She leans into Elizabeth and gives her a hug.

“When are you due?” Zadie calls.

“Early Fall,” Elizabeth answers. James sits beside her, draping his arm around her shoulder. He’s glowing as much as she is.

“How have you been feeling?” Brooklyn asks.

“So tired, but not as queasy as I was with Vivi.”

“Oh, do you think that means it’s a boy?” Celeste asks.

Elizabeth and James exchange a look and then she says, “I’ve been wondering that myself. We don’t know yet. We’re going to wait until the birth to find out, but my gut is saying it’s a boy.”

James grins at her and then says, “I’m happy either way.”

“Me too.”

My eyes float over to Maggie who has drained her entire wine glass and is pouring herself another one. This isn’t going to end well.

I steal glances at her throughout the meal. She hardly eats, but she polishes off two more glasses of wine. I’m surprised she’s still upright at this point.

After lunch, half of the group goes outside to do a little Easter egg hunt with Vivi, Isaiah, Ansley, and Micah. The rest of us gather in the main room. Juno and Keene sit on a playmat with Savannah and Hazel.

“Make sure you keep a hand behind their backs,” Brooklyn calls. “They aren’t super stable yet, sitting up. Hazel can’t smile and sit at the same time. She’ll fall over and bonk her head.”

“Okay, no smiling,” Keene says as he moves his hand behind Hazel.

“I think you missed the point,” Juno quips, her hand resting on Savannah’s back.
