Page 65 of Starts with You

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“So, we don’t like l-u-n-c-h, huh?” I mumble at Jared, who nods. I give him an apologetic smile and take a seat next to Milo. “Okay, my new friend, let’s snack so we can nap. Afterward, we can color and probably learn to play the piano.”

His eyes sparkle with excitement, and he nods eagerly. “Otay.”

* * *

During Milo’snaptime I take advantage of the quiet time to bake chocolate chip cookies and snickerdoodles. Jared helps me and even jokes that it’s easier to keep an eye on the toddler than me. I manage a tight-lipped smile. I doubt he can understand why I’m so restless.

After Milo wakes up, he and I spend some time drawing. He tells me stories of his home in the mountains, of the cows he visits, and the chickens that lay rainbow-colored eggs. With enthusiasm, he mentions his longing for a baby sister but says he’d love a brother just as much.

Just as we are getting into an impromptu rhythm with kitchenware percussion, Charles enters the house. His figure is framed by the light coming through the doorway, and he pauses for a moment to take in a deep breath. “I might move here,” he says, stepping into the kitchen. “This house always smells of vanilla and chocolate, with underlying hints of love.”

“Gwampa Chawls!” Milo exclaims with a wide smile.

“I had no idea my favorite boy in the entire world was here.” Charles grins back at him and scoops him up into his arms, spinning him around in a dizzy circle.

“They brought him over,” Jared says. “Something about his mom having to go on a mission to Seattle and needing someone to watch him.”

“Oh, so Wren is with Finn. That makes sense,” Charles says thoughtfully as he looks at his grandson.

My stomach drops as I realize who this kid is. Finnegan Gil’s son—and Wren must be his wife. I glance at the paper on which Milo has drawn his parents and feel a wave of sorrow wash over me.

Archer and I were supposed to have our first child by now, but instead, here I am… alone, spending time with his firstborn.

My husband and the love of my life is gone. Finnegan Gil took his place, but he didn’t come home to me. He created his own life and family. Tears fall down my cheeks as the realization shreds my insides.

“Are you okay, dear?” Charles asks me.

I shake my head barely able to speak through the sharp pain radiating from deep inside my soul.

“You hurt yourself earlier when you fell, didn’t you?” Jared asks with an annoyed tone. “I’m going to lose my job if something happens to you. We should call the doctor. I have the number of her orthopedic surgeon. The boss told me to call him if there was an emergency.”

He dials a phone and says, “Dr. Aldridge, we’re calling on behalf of—”

I sigh with relief when I hear he’s called Hayes Aldridge. He’s a friend of the family—Grace’s brother-in-law—and before I went into surgery, he offered to get me out of the situation. I didn’t want to leave, because I needed to be around Archer. Now… I need to escape from this place. I didn’t hurt myself when I fell in the kitchen, but I’m using that as an excuse.

“Can I speak with him?” I request, reaching out to take the phone from Jared.

“Of course. It might be easier if you explain what’s happening with your leg.”

“Hi, this is Piper Decker,” I say, my voice wavering slightly as I speak.

“Piper, are you okay?” a kind voice asks from the other end of the line.

Haltingly, I admit, “No, I’m hurt and…” Tears follow as my voice cracks.

“You want to come home?” he asks urgently.

“Yes, please. Can you help me with that?” I appeal in hope that he can indeed help me escape from this situation.

“I told you before the surgery that if you needed my help, I’ll give it to you. Did they hurt you?”

“Not exactly, but I…”

“Do you know where you are?” he asks, alarmed.

I look up at Jared. “Where am I?”

“That’s confidential,” he replies coldly.
