Page 68 of Starts with You

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Piper fucking left me.

Piper Cooperson left without a warning or explanation, leaving behind a lingering sense of dread and confusion. I can’t believe she just left without leaving a note or a… she abandoned us, breaking our agreement. Dad is vague about what happened. She hurt her leg, and they flew her to Baker’s Creek. When I spoke to the doctor, he said he sent her to her family—who the fuck gave him permission to do that?

Not me, but there’s nothing I can do right now to get her back, so I concentrate my efforts on hunting the Zs over the next few months. We fly all over the world, destroying every property Zamudio owns and rescuing his victims.

Seth tells me more about my past. We were working undercover, but the Zs made us. When we tried to escape, I sacrificed myself and stayed behind. That’s the last time he saw me. They searched everywhere for me but never found me nor my body. More than ever, I’m ready to finish Zamudio and the rest of the Zs.

When the time comes to go to Rock Harbor, Vermont, a town bordering Canada where Ricardo Zamudio has been hiding all along, Seth doesn’t like my plan, and we end up bringing The fucking Organization on board.

It’s surreal to meet part of Piper’s family, including the kid I’ve been working with for years. I’m not surprised to find out he’s Seth’s little brother—and that their sister is part of the operation. Everything stays in the family.

It’s uncomfortable being here. Every single person in The Organization looks at me in awe. Apparently, they were searching for me—and we were like a family.

On the other hand, the owner, Mason Bradley, has been following my company since he became aware of its existence. He’s been trying to uncover who owns it without any luck. Derek and I silently high-five each other for doing a good job in keeping our identities a secret.

Once we’re in Vermont, I learn The Organization uses the support of air and land bots. I’m not surprised that the kid is one of the people in charge of handling them. Derek is in Europe, leading the operation to ambush most of Zamudio’s men.

On this estate, there’s just Ricardo and his most trusted people. We end them, and the entire cartel is gone.

The night of the mission, I’m ready but also nervous.

I crouch behind a tree. The rifle in my hands is heavy, yet I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. Doubts, fears, and questions swirl in my head. What if I’m wrong? What if we fail?

I force myself to push aside my anxieties and take a few deep breaths. I’ve been through this before and will get through it again.

Seth is silent beside me, and we wait for the signal from Lang. The forest around us is still and all that can be heard is the soft rustling of the leaves as they move with the breeze.

I take a quick glance around the tree trunk I’m hiding behind to look for any movement or sign of our enemy. When Lang’s signal finally comes, we all move—quickly but stealthily—toward the house with the team covering our backs. In a matter of moments, the peace of the night is broken by the sound of automatic gunfire as we make our way toward our target.

Seth and I continue walking forward aggressively yet cautiously, ready to face whatever awaits us. It’s strange and at the same time comforting to know that Seth Bradley is watching my back.

When we arrive at the double doors that give us access to the basement, Seth picks the lock while I cover him. According to our intelligence, this is where the bunker is located. Zamudio has stockpiled enough supplies to last him a year here.

We push the large wooden doors open and cautiously creep inside the basement. A long hallway stretches in either direction, leading to a single closed door at the end. The walls are lined with wooden crates, and a small kitchen sits nestled in the corner.

“The grounds are clear. We have to empty the house and set up the explosives,” someone says through the communicator.

“We’re inside the house. What’s your status?” a second voice replies.

When I glance to the left, I spot him. Ricardo—dear ol’ Daddy—descending the other set of stairs.

“Going somewhere?” I ask with a smirk.

“Travis, son,” he gasps in surprise. “Thank God you’re alive.”

Two of his men are following him. I recognize one of them and shoot him immediately. Seth takes care of the other one.

“W-what are you doing?” Zamudio takes a step. His hands are slightly up, and his eyes are pleading. “Son, it’s me. Did you lose your memory again?”

Seth chuckles humorlessly. “As a matter of fact, he recovered it.”

The man who called me son and lied to me turns to look at Seth in surprise, his eyes widening and his expression contorting into shock. “It’s you. How?”

“Yes, it’s me.” Seth grins. His joy only serves to increase Zamudio’s dismay.

“You’re still alive? But…” His breathing becomes shallow and his brow furrows as he tries to comprehend the situation. “We finished you in San Francisco. I lost some of my men, but we killed you and your wife.”

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