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That call with Ryder messed me up. Why did I let him get into my head? Lake isn’t like that. She would never betray me.

I clear my throat, pushing back the doubt, and suggest quickly, trying to change direction. “We could work at the bar. I heard they have two openings there.”

She snorts while rolling her eyes, her mouth turning down in a frown. “What are you talking about?”

Lifting my gaze to meet hers again, I slowly explain, “As I mentioned, we’re staying here for a while. During our time here, we need to become productive members of society. That includes getting jobs, and helping out with the ranch.”

Lake cocks her head slightly and gives me a skeptical look. “Why are we helping with the ranch?”

“It’s necessary,” I state firmly. “We moved here to help Uncle…” I snap my fingers, trying to remember the name of the town’s sheriff.

She laughs, obviously amused by my ineptitude. “You need a lot of training before you can go outside and mingle with the townies. You don’t even like people.”

Folding my arms across my chest defensively, I question her knowledge. “You act as if you know what you’re doing here? You think you’ll become little miss congeniality?”

Her expression sobers, and her lips form a tight line. “For your information, I’m here by mistake, but if I had to stay, I would blend in flawlessly.”

Regret fills me, and I feel guilty for dragging her into this mess. Apologetically, I admit, “I’m sorry.” My voice is a remorseful whisper lingering into the still air.

“We didn’t know this would happen,” she replies softly, though her eyes remain intense on mine. She releases a heavy breath before adding quietly, “So what now?”

“Since we can adopt a new personality and life, why don’t we say you’re my fiancée, and we live together?” I suggest, my heart pounding in my chest.

My proposal is met with an exasperated groan. “Cal…” she starts but trails off without saying more.

“When I said that I love you, I meant it. I do. And not just like a friend. I want you. The beautiful, brilliant, sassy woman who doesn’t take shit from anyone. I admire your strength and—”

“Cal, you’re a catch, but we can’t start a relationship in the middle of a crisis,” she repeats. “That’s a terrible foundation. Plus, I’m going—”

“You can’t go home,” I insist firmly.

She stands defiantly and gives me a glare. “We have to stop interrupting each other. In this case, neither one of us is wrong or right. You have your family to consider—all of them are in town. All. Of. Them.”

A groan escapes my lips as the reality of the situation hits me in full force. She might be right. Mom, Flora—Dad’s wife number two—are here. My father’s children and… this will be a circus.

“Don’t stress out,” she claims soothingly, stepping closer and cupping my cheeks tenderly in her delicate hands. “Under different circumstances, I’m sure we could have had an amazing relationship. One for the books.”

“You think so?” I ask, not arguing with her because she might claim that this won’t work out, but I have plenty of time to prove her wrong. Maybe even years.

She nods with sincerity and vulnerability swimming in her eyes.

“Are you telling me that you like me? Or maybe you love me?” I whisper hesitantly, barely daring to breathe.

In response, she rises onto her tiptoes and places a featherlight kiss upon my lips, sending sparks shooting through my body. Desperate to prolong the moment, I tighten my grip around her waist and deepen the kiss hungrily. Every cell in my body hums with electricity.

“Cal,” she whispers my name with a raspy voice filled with lust.

Something changes in the air. There’s a radical shift, and I feel it, echoing inside me. It’s not her words, not her voice; it’s the hunger in her dark green eyes.

My lips caress her skin. I’m not hesitant, just cautious. I want this to be different from last night. I was gentle but desperate to feel alive, to meld our souls and make her mine. Today… today, I want to convince her that we don’t need to wait for another life. I want her to know we can be good together, even when things are fucked up.

All I want is to kiss her forever, to make love to her forever. Show her that we’re two parts of a whole that shouldn’t be apart.

That we belong together.

She’s the woman I’ve been waiting for my entire life. Now that I have her I don’t want to let her go. We’re destined. But I don’t think words can convey everything she needs to know to accept us.

This, my surrender has to be it.
