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When I wake up,Lake is not in bed or the cabin. Did she go back to the hotel? I thought we came to an agreement while we fucked yesterday. Didn’t we? She probably went to the small coffee shop she mentioned last night or… I get dressed and head out to look for her.

I’m stopped by Mom. “Good, you live just next door to me. Have they assigned your roommates?” I kiss her cheek and smile.

“You have too much energy. I need coffee,” she says.

“Coffee would be nice. Hopefully, Lake is at the coffee shop getting my order.”

“I heard Gen is trying to get a job there,” she mentions.

I arch an eyebrow. “Where did you hear that?”

“Flora, of course.” She glances to our left. “She lives two houses down. Thankfully Leonora isn’t here.”

“Wife three didn’t make it?”

She shakes her head. “No. I wish Suzie…”

Suzie was wife number four. She died of cancer. River and Elle, her children, were just teenagers.

“So the nine of us are here, huh?” I ask, moving along the conversation.

She shakes her head. “No. Slade is…” She waves a hand. “He’s like you.”

“We’re definitely not the same. I’m an FBI agent, and he’s a SEAL. I take it he’s on a mission.”

“That’s what Magnus said.”

I kiss the top of her head. “I have to catch up with Lake. I’ll talk with you later, Mom.”

She nods and waves at me but then calls after me. “I’m glad you two are finally together.”

When I get to what I believe is the center of the town, I see Gael. He says, “I don’t know if I should be thankful for you saving us or pissed that you dragged us to…”

Gael is like Switzerland of the Thorndales. He gets along with everyone, and everyone loves him. He has an irresistible charm that has people eating from the palm of his hand.

“Someone tried to kill me. My guess is that any of you were the next ones.” I shrug. “It’s up to you if you want to thank me or blame me for continuing to live your miserable life. I really don’t give a fuck.”

He snorts. “Leave it to you to sound badass and disengaged. We both know you’re the good boy of the Throndales. Well, there’s the professor. Bach is a softie too.” He squeezes my shoulder. “Thank you for worrying about us, even when you pretend not to give a shit.”

“You’re welcome?”

“So, what are you doing on this lovely morning? Already missing your ride or die?”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“Last night, I was enjoying the quiet night when I saw Lake leave your cabin,” he says. “She went through the backwoods, but I didn’t follow. I’m guessing you two had a different plan for her.”

My fists clench. Did Lake fucking leave without telling me?

“You’re turning a magenta color. I’m guessing she didn’t kiss you good night?” The sarcasm in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed. “Well… while you figure out your little mess, I’m heading to the bar. I heard the hot bartender needs help, and I’m ready to pour her drinks and fill her glasses.”

I don’t bat an eye at his ridiculous comment. My feet march forward toward the headquarters of Crait Quantum Shield.

“Where is she?” I demand, my voice reverberating off the walls as I enter Finnegan’s office.

He lifts a lazy gaze to meet mine. “Who?”

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