Page 105 of High Stick Heartthrob

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“I’m improvising,” Rome said.

“You’re about to die, man,” someone said.

I glanced at Henry and he shrugged his shoulders.

I sighed.

Well, here’s to another bar fight.

A bunchof hockey players versus a few guys with beer muscles?

It really wasn’t a fight at all.

More or less some pushing and shoving and containing the situation.

One of the guys took a cheap shot at Rome, hitting him in the ear.

Joe hit the guy in the stomach and the guy fell right down to his ass and sat there, groaning and whining.

I then got between everyone, barking orders for my guys to get out of there.

I apologized to the woman and told her it was just a game.

I had no idea what came over me after that because when she thanked me for being nice, I blurted out wanting to know what her bra size was.

That only made Rome and Jago even more excited.

The woman slapped me across the face and stormed off.

At the last second, she turned back around, smiling.

She playfully lifted her shirt and called out,“C!”

“And I win it again!” Sebastian called out.

Joe and I corralled the guys and got the hell out of the beachside bar.

We hadn’t been out long enough to get buzzed.

“To the next bar!” Rome announced. “I want to win one.”

“Oh, shit,” Sebastian said. “I forgot to get the money. My winnings.”

“Leave it,” Joe said.

“I’m going to call it a night here,” I said. “Going to take a walk and go home or something.”

“Atlas,” Jago said.

“Leave it,” I ordered.

“Hey, let him do his thing,” Henry said. “He’s got a lot going on.”

“I bet I know what this is,” Rome said. “You’re going to meet up with the pregnant one. Good for you. I’ve always wanted to sleep with a pregnant woman.”

“Joe,” Henry said and gave a nod.

Joe moved everyone away from me.
