Page 137 of Face Off Flirting

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Two beers in one hand, I walked back to April and handed her one.

With my free hand, I grabbed at the small of her back and pulled her against me.

Again with that fucking wiggling motion.

Her stomach grinding against my cock.

And I knew for damn sure she felt my cock too.

It was impossible not to.

April took a drink of beer, jumped up to her toes and grabbed my shirt for balance.

“What the fuck are we doing?” she asked, lips glistening with beer.

“We’re losing our fucking minds, babe,” I said.

I kissed her.

My tongue flicked at her lips, tasting the beer.

She put her head back and laughed.

I kissed her neck.

She lowered down to her feet.

We stared at each other.

The current song ended and another began.

April put her right hand flat on my chest and pushed herself away from me.

She started to turn and I moved for her.

She elbowed me and laughed, sneaking away.

I couldn’t believe what happened…

I began to chase her through the bar.

She playfully yelled and ran for the patio area out near the beach.

Once we were outside, she turned and stutter stepped back toward a wooden railing.

Her eyes were vicious. Beautiful.

She scrambled my brain in a million ways.

A guy appeared in front me. From nowhere.

Some big looking dude with a beer in his left hand and his right hand balled up into a fist.

“There a problem here?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I asked. “You better get the fuck out of my way, you’re blocking me from getting to my girl.”

“Your girl was running from you,” the guy said.
