Page 139 of Face Off Flirting

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That’s when we both realized we weren’t alone in the bathroom.

A certain sound echoed from one of the bathroom stalls.

The rumbling thunder from some woman’s body made April and I freeze in place.

I started to put my finger to my lips to sayshhbut April was the one who started to laugh first.

Hearing her cute-yet-sexy laugh made me laugh.

“Are you fucking serious?” a woman’s voice yelled from inside the stall. “Who the fuck are you? Huh? You never heard someone pass gas before?”

The woman’s voice slurred.

April shook her head and covered her mouth, trying not to laugh louder.

I pulled her hands away from her mouth and kissed her.

She laughed into my mouth.

I broke the kiss.

I made a noise with my mouth that mimicked the noise from inside the bathroom stall.

That made April laugh louder and harder.

“That’s it, bitch! I’m coming out there and I’m going to kick your ass! You think this is a joke! I’ve got digestive issues!”

April laughed even harder.

The woman kicked at the door of the stall and growled.

Now it was my turn to save April from a fight.

“As soon as I wipe, I’m going to beat your ass!”

April pretended to vomit.

I finally just picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

I kicked open the bathroom door and ran through the bar.

April screaming and laughing.

“This one is crazy!” I announced. “Everyone clear a path! She’s got to get out of here!”

People actually moved out of the way.

Once we were outside, I put April on her feet.

I walked into her and she tried to walk back but lost her footing.

So I picked her up again. Bringing her eye level to me.

“I feel drunk,” she whispered. “But I’m not drunk. Neither are you. What is this?”

“This is time finally catching up, babe,” I said. “Coming out on this alleged date was a bad idea.”

“It was fun,” she said. “But take me home, Seb. And then take me…Sebby…”
