Page 237 of Face Off Flirting

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There wasn’t much space in my apartment so we went toward the open door.

Of course others in the building had since casually began to poke their heads out.

Jago appeared from nowhere, running toward me.

“Back off, sir,” the officer said.

“Is Sebastian okay?” Jago asked. “What happened? Did he…”

“It’s okay for now,” I said. “You can’t go in there.”

Jago froze and touched his head.

“I know him,” I said to the officer regarding Jago.

“We need to speak alone,” the officer said. “I need to know what’s going on here.”

I took a deep breath and unleashed.

Hearing myself say the words about Kevin made me feel even worse about myself.

I gave the rundown of how crazy Kevin was.

And that I had just gotten home when he showed up.

And that Seb opened the door just as Kevin came after me.

I was even more pissed at myself for freezing up the way I did. I had been trained on what to do in a fight or an attack and I froze…

“Yes, Seb hit him,” I said. “He hit him a couple times, but only to keep him down on the floor. Then he backed off. I called the police. I can also show you my phone. You can see the texts Kevin has been sending me.”

The officer nodded.

He looked through some of the texts.

“I know,” I said. “This is something I should have personally handled a while ago. I was afraid. Okay? Afraid.”

“Let’s go back inside,” the officer said.

He talked to his partner for maybe ten seconds, then the handcuffs were removed from Seb.

“This is bullshit!” Kevin yelled. “He hit me! Look at my face! I need stitches!”

“Sir, you will get proper medical care,” one of the officers said. “As for now, you are under arrest.”

My heart raced, sank, jumped, and twisted.

I looked at Seb.

I never felt so useless in my entire life.

The restof it was busy.

Questions. Notes. Conversations.

A detective even showed up, along with two more officers.

This was now officially something very serious.
